Monday, September 24, 2012

Dry Weekend

Good morning! I rather neglected this for the last two days but here I am again!

Friday happened so long ago I don’t remember what happened. .  . No. . . wait. . .  it’s coming back. . . Okay. Here we go. Friday morning I finished everything I needed to do for the week school wise so I decided to take a few hours and be selfish. I sort of combined two patterns to come up with one I thought I would like better than the one (I should be adding pictures to this when I post it on the blog so hopefully it might make more sense—Grandma, good luck, I hope the words are adequate). Then I cut out and I think it is at that point that it was time for me to go collect boys for soccer practice. I took knitting with me and decided a nap sounded really good so I actually did a combination of the two which was nice. When we got home, I began sewing. Seth and Cedric helped cut up hot dogs for beans and hot dogs for their supper and I sewed. I managed to finish just as Paul and Laura got home so I quickly changed and we left. We went to the Thai place again. I wanted to go somewhere that had hot food so I could burn some snot out. I really poured on the hot stuff and it did some good which was nice. Tasted good too, which was also nice.

Saturday morning the boys all had soccer games in Hubbardston. Laura went with us. We all watched Joseph’s game until Cedric and Seth needed to go to their game. Joseph’s team won. Then Laura and I went over to watch the rest of Cedric and Seth’s game. They were ahead when we got there but the other team scored two points so they ended up losing. This week Joseph plays, as always, in Hubbardston at 8:30 while Cedric and Seth play in Petersham at 10:00. I think it takes about half an hour to get from Hubbardston to Petersham so we ought to be able to watch Joseph’s game and then hurry to Petersham for Cedric and Seth’s game. The rest of them are all in Hubbardston which will be very nice. Sometime this week I need to go to Petersham and figure out exactly where we are going in order to avoid getting lost.

Since Saturday was Joanna’s birthday, her manager wanted to sing happy birthday to her at work. She had two shifts Saturday and managed to leave after the first one with no singing. When she went back, she thought maybe everything would be okay but things were pretty slow so she asked if she could leave 15 minutes early. Her manager said okay but asked her to do something first. Then everyone was acting suspicious and started clapping (which is how the Friendlys birthday song starts) at her so she ran into the break room. They followed her and finished singing. Then they had an ice-cream cake.
Saturday night, we had quite a thunder storm. It wasn't on the weather report so we weren't expecting it but it sure did happen. There was quite a display of lightning and it poured. In the morning when I went out with the dogs and then to milk, the world was quite wet. It did not make a noticeable dent in the swamp though.

Yesterday, being Sunday, we went to church in the morning. There was a linger longer after but they were having Hawaiian haystacks and I don’t like them. Neither does Joanna so we came home and had fajitas instead. It took a while to get everything cut up and cooked. Before we left, I got Joanna’s cake frosted (I’d made a cocoa cake Saturday night as well as getting the meat cut up and rubbed) and it seems like I did something else but other than cooking the black beans, I don’t remember what it might have been. I’d signed up to take black beans to the linger longer and since we were the only ones who had, Paul thought it might be a good idea if we took some even though we weren’t staying so I made lots; some to take to church, and some to turn into Frijoles Negros which is basically black beans with onions, peppers, oregano, and seasoning. Very good but the name is not very descriptive of the end product.

Joanna got a cool cap from Paul. It’s camouflage with lights in the brim with three settings. Four, if you count ‘off.’ Also a Discovery Channel special about horses on DVD. Amena got her a little donkey figurine and a horse daily planner. Laura gave her a Taylor Swift CD. I didn’t give her anything because I didn’t have enough change so I’ll have to do that soon. Other than that, the only birthday card she’s gotten thus far is from Bislita. The rest of you who usually send cards need to get your butts in gear.

The rest of my afternoon and evening until it was time for family prayer and scripture reading was spent writing on the backs of pictures for Grandma and Paul’s step-mom, Irene. Grandma, please don’t feel bad that you are getting 13 to her 87. Irene hasn’t met any of us and this is really her first visual of us. Grandma, there is one of a rock (stone) wall. I can do others if you’d like more. My goal is to get them in the mail today. We’ll see how that goes.

Seth had to do the dishes and I have to say that he did a decent job in spite of a general attitude about getting them done.

Last night Joanna decided that her stomach wasn’t feeling all that great so she decided that she would not go to seminary this morning. I didn’t mind the extra forty minutes of sleep, I can tell you. When I got up, the canine girls and I went for our walk and then I accomplished the milking chore. It took a bit longer than normal because I took the camera with me and took pictures. That means that in the next day or two I’ll have a photo journal of morning milking for you to check out.

Thus far, Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph are at school. Laura and Joanna are upstairs. Paul is getting his lunch ready and has his breakfast sitting on the table. I am getting this done and then I will plan my day. In spite of getting more sleep this morning, I did not get more last night so I think a nap sounds like a really good idea.

Have a wonderful day!
PS Pictures will follow in another post. I need to get out and move the stakes for the goats and do some other things and the pictures are all either on my camera or phone so it will take a few minutes.

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