Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coffee Might Be Good

Well, the reason I really didn’t feel like get up and doing yesterday is because I just really didn’t feel like getting up and doing. I should have had a clue when I stood up and felt dizzy in the morning because that is definitely not a normal occurrence for me. I managed to get done everything other than reading a chapter for marketing so at least it was somewhat productive. And I managed to do fairly well on my accounting test (99.something). Today I feel better, but tired, and my head is rather full of snot and other wonderful mucousy stuff.

Jonathan came over yesterday because he needed to take care of some things via faxing. He called in the morning and said the bus didn’t get to MWCC until 2:10 and his faxing needed to be done by 3:00. I told him that was fine. I would go get him but I had an accounting test that might take up to three hours to complete (a couple did last semester but yesterday only took an hour and ten minutes) and that had to take priority. Arriving at 2:10 in Gardner would work anyway if we came straight to the house and he did what needed to be done. It did. When he was done, he needed to go to the bank so we stopped there on the way home. I didn’t really feel like driving to Fitchburg and back but I also needed to get things done and the best way for that to happen is with fewer distractions. People, even those we love, can be and often are a distraction.

On the way, we went on route 2 and I noticed that there was traffic backed up due to road work from Gardner to the exit in Westminster for route 2A. Keeping this in mind, I determined that I would take 2A all the way home rather than attempting 2. After dropping Jonathan off, when I got to the exit for route 2, the traffic on 2A was backed up clear across the overpass over 2. The traffic on 2 was backed up beyond the bridge. So, I stuck with my plan for taking 2A and I’m glad I did. Even though there was a solid stream of traffic on 2A, it was always moving and usually at a decent speed.

Today Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph have Open House at school. I have phlebotomy so I cannot go. Paul may or may not be able to get home in time to take them. This is when it would be good to have an aunt or uncle or grandma or even a sister with a driver’s license around. Of course, one of the sisters has to work and might not be able to take them even if she had a license. I have also been invited to attend birth classes by a midwife in Needham. It would be really nice to go, but I think there are enough tugs on my time as it is.

This morning I did not want to get out of bed but it was because I was tired. I did sleep well last night (it’s pretty nice having a bed with head and foot that elevate) so today should be an okay day, I just didn’t want to start it quite as early as I needed to. When I got back from taking Joanna to Gardner, the canine girls and I went out. Imagine my surprise when we were greeted by goats on the hill. Noone had let them in last night. I don’t know if I asked someone to or not (but realistically, I shouldn’t have to since everyone knows the goats need to come in every night) but they were out on the hill. I let them all loose and they went rather willingly into the pen. One of them sounds like she might have a sore throat (how do you tell if a goat has one?). There weren’t any scraps to speak of for them to eat so I took them some hay when I went out to milk. I didn’t expect to get much from Goldilocks on account of the kids having been with her all night and I wasn’t disappointed.

Today I have quite a bit of school work but mainly because I didn’t read my marketing chapter. If I get that done first, the day should go pretty well. There are a couple of things I need to get done for phlebotomy today before class, I think. I should probably check the syllabus to be sure on dates.

Paul has some onions and peppers cooking and the smell is getting through all the snot in my nose and it is good! It almost makes we wish I hadn’t sworn off fried food (fried foods give me terrible, sulfur tasting burps and awful, unhappy rumblings in the intestinal area). I suppose I should perhaps eat something although at the moment, I am not feeling terribly hungry. Maybe a cup of tea would be nice.

Speaking of tea, Laura has been cleaning Paul’s ‘office.’ She found a bag full of coffee samples from various hotels he’s been to. He always would collect them to give to a coffee aficionado friend of his. This particular bag he said he kept finding and putting somewhere where he would remember where it was and when Fitz came over, he wouldn’t be able to find it. This time, he said, “Maybe we should hold onto it until your grandmother comes again.” There’s a lot of decaffeinated though, and I said she wasn’t crazy about that. I have to say, even though you were only here for 10 days, Grandma, I miss the smell of your coffee in the morning. I suppose I could make some and use it to water the plants, but I don’t think it would quite be the same.

On another note, I finally got to Walmart yesterday and got some pictures printed. So, Grandma, as soon as I get them labeled, I’ll get them in the mail. I did get a package mailed off to you yesterday as well and they said it should get there next week. It’s a funny shape so you won’t be able to miss it.

Have a spectacular day, one and all!

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