Thursday, September 27, 2012

Beautiful Autumn Day

Good morning one and all! It is a beautiful sunny day! Another perfect autumn day (it’s somewhat amazing that there can be so many).

Yesterday I ended up going to talk to the honors advisor at the Mount because I need to turn one of my classes into an honors component class. I got some ideas from her that might work. I was thinking about doing something for accounting along the midwife line but it appears that the teacher kind of has her own thing set up for the honors component so I might attempt to connect with the marketing instructor. For marketing, I thought it might be good to write up a marketing plan for soap. It’s something that I ought to do anyway, if I really want to sell it. So, that was that. On the way, I dropped Laura off at Walmart so she could get a few things and I picked Jonathan and Elizabeth up as they’d taken the bus to Gardner and done what they needed to do. When I was done, I had to wait a few minutes for Jonathan and Elizabeth because they’d gone in so Jonathan could talk to an advisor about going back to school in the spring. Laura was waiting when we got to Walmart so that worked out well.

Cedric and Seth had soccer practice at one and Joseph ended up not having practice due to the possibility of inclement weather. Joanna was going to take her scooter to work and then asked if I could give her a ride because it was supposed to rain then just took her scooter because it looked like the rain had gone away. It ended up raining on her a bit on her way home. It must have been fairly local because I don’t think it rained at the church then. Although it might have; I was inside.

We had lentils for supper. They turned out pretty well. I used the juice from the pork for the fajitas for seasoning and that’s all I used. I added carrots, celery and onions and some chopped up salami. I also used four cans of beef and turkey broth. After supper, we left to go to church. I asked Jonathan if they’d found a ride home from church and he said no. That was okay because the van needed fuel and it’s less expensive in Leominster and Fitchburg so I used taking them home as an excuse to get fuel. The van needed it as it was under a quarter tank and that last quarter on the van goes very quickly. I filled the tank for less than $100 (by a few cents) so that was good. Paul called when I was dropping Jonathan and Elizabeth off and wanted to know why I wanted to fill up the van (I didn’t, really, it takes so much to do it) and I reminded him that I’m going to New Hampshire. He said I didn’t want to take the van to New Hampshire (which is fine with me) and ended up filling the Jetta. He paid two cents less a gallon than I did.

Today and tomorrow are picture day(s) at school. Seth and Joseph get theirs today and Amena and Cedric are tomorrow. It was fun getting everyone up and fed this morning while getting snacks and picture orders ready. I’m glad I only had two this morning. I should really do the other two today so they’re ready to go in the morning.

Today we are going to feed the missionaries corned beef. We have some red cabbage in the garden to use for it which should be interesting. Especially if there are any caterpillars or snails in them.

Other than going to New Hampshire and feeding missionaries, I have planned only school work. I need to finish that case study for marketing and work on my essay for English. I would like a nap as well. I’ve gone from recovering from a cold to recovering from a cold with allergies thrown in. All I have left from the cold is some of the gunk I’m almost done coughing up. Yesterday I couldn’t talk or laugh without coughing. Today it feels almost normal with just a little tickle sometimes.

This seems awfully short to me but it’s what you get for today. Perhaps, if I get my writing stuff done, I’ll have time to do another post (the one about milking). That would be fun, I think.

In the meantime, have a wonderful day!

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