Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Birthday Day

I have decided that there are too many birthdays in August. Thank goodness for Facebook or I would never be able to say Happy Birthday to anyone. Today, as most of you know, is my mother’s birthday. Yesterday was Jeannette’s birthday. We’ve got Becky and Joseph and who knows who else yet to come. All I can say is Good Grief!!! And...
Happy Birthday, Mom! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Add to that all of the wedding anniversaries and it really is ridiculous. However, in spite of all this, August is still my least favorite month. That’s just the way it is and I don’t expect it to change. Just so you know.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, yesterday was a pretty good day. The missionaries came over and helped with wood some and taught Seth how to fry slugs using a magnifying glass. I wonder if that is a better way to die or if being sprinkled with salt is. Either way, I’m glad I’m not a slug around here because if they don’t die via one of those routes, they probably get squished. Remember the one that met its demise in my croc. Yuck. Anyway, most of the wood that Paul had up by the house has been cut and split. There is some that needs to be stacked and that will happen tomorrow or Tuesday. The good news is that when it is all done, we will have almost enough to last the winter. Another couple of Saturdays and it will be done.
Cedric picked some blackberries down by the creek. There are almost enough to make blackberry muffins so I’ll have to send someone else out to get more tomorrow or maybe this afternoon. Amena finished cleaning her room which mostly meant doing laundry yesterday. Laura had work. Joanna got home from New Hampshire and then went on a date with her boyfriend.
I made three kinds of chocolate zucchini bread. I did take pictures and I documented the whole experience and there will be a blog post about it probably later today. I was going to do it earlier but decided to wait to eat the stuff until this afternoon with vanilla ice-cream so you have to wait because we have to determine by taste-test which one is the best. We also need some pictures of them cut in order to compare the insides as well as the outsides. So, be on the lookout for that later.
For supper we had green beans sautéed with bacon and onion and grilled chicken thighs with wither hot wing sauce or some stuff called ‘fruit sauce’ that looked and smelled a lot like your fairly typical barbeque sauce. As I recall, the only fruit in the stuff is tomatoes. Pretty fruity, eh?
And I believe that is about it for today for now.

Have a wonderful day!

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