Monday, August 12, 2013


I hate bugs!
In other news, give a goat what she needs in the way of food and water, and she will produce milk for you. If for one day she does not get what she needs, it might take a couple to get back to where she was.
In other news, I did not write anything yesterday. I was going to stay home with Cedric from church but Joanna was still not feeling particularly good so she stayed home instead.
With that, Saturday was a busy kind of day. Paul had the missionaries come over and they all got rid of a load of metal which was very nice and cleared off a goodly amount of space on the back porch. They also split some wood that we really can’t stack without getting pallets down for it but at least it’s split and there is that much less that needs to be for the coming winter.
I made bread. Regular bread and Chocolate Chocolate Chip Zucchini bread. Marilyn made some chocolate chocolate chip zucchini bread once and it was super good. I’d like to make it so this was my first attempt and although it’s good, it isn’t the same so my search is on. Fortunately, I don’t have to eat it all myself before I can make more.
Seth helped me clean up in the back room. Well, the space between the kitchen and the back room that used to be part of the back room before a bathroom and a wall were added. I guess it could be called the mud room, although that isn’t really an accurate description, or the laundry room because the washer and dryer are going to go back there eventually. Actually, that is why we were cleaning it out. There is a desk where the washer and dryer want to go but there is also a wood stove and an air compressor in the walkway and because they were there, stuff had just been piled up and was a general mess. So I decided it was time to clean up because I’d been wanting to and because I knew it needed to be done to make this change happen sooner rather than later. Once the washer and dryer are out of the closet area in the kitchen that they’ve been living in for fifteen years or so, that will be turned into a pantry. It won’t be nearly large enough (because I’m thinking I’d like one as large as the one at McLeish’s in Idaho or Diane’s), but it will be so much better than what I’ve got now that it will be heavenly. Besides, there is a closet in the back room that has portable shelves in it that are like an additional pantry.
Paul got some mowing done Saturday afternoon also which was nice. He got more done yesterday too, because he really likes mowing and I guess he feels that it is an acceptable Sunday afternoon activity. I’m not quite sure I agree but I went out and picked some peaches. They are so good. So much better than the ones we had from the store that I couldn’t even eat one of because it was not even like eating a peach. It was mealy and not sweet and not juicy. Yuck. These are white peaches and plenty juicy and just a touch tart. Sometime today I’ll drive the truck down by the tree and we’ll pick more. The other trees are loaded but the peaches are rock hard yet so definitely not ready to pick.
Church yesterday was good other than I was very sleepy and did my best to fall asleep during Sunday School. Even knitting didn’t help so I put it away before I made a mistake. Relief Society was good. Kenisha taught and did an excellent job. I told her she kept me awake.
Up for today are a visit to the chiropractor and a phone call to the doctor. Cedric is still coughing and feverish, although not as hot as he had been. I ask him how he feels and he says, “Good.” But he is wrapped up in a blanket all the time and doesn’t do much other than walking from the back room to the living room or occasionally upstairs.
Currently, I am waiting for it to be 8:10 to call the doctor.

Have a wonderful day!

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