Thursday, August 8, 2013


A bit of a late start this morning and, quite frankly, I would have liked a much later one.
It’s all Paul’s fault.
Yesterday was a laundry day. In spite of that, there is more yet to be done in that department today. I managed to get Pilates and the plank and stretches done yesterday even though the stretching was right before I went to bed and was technically today.
I printed out a paper for Amena to take to the temple and when I checked online, the work had been done. So awesome!
Yesterday Cedric started to feel kind of icky. In the afternoon, he was quite not himself with a fever and lethargy and a headache and a cough. I’m going to call this morning for both him and Joanna to go in to the doctor. He feels better today but if he follows Seth’s suit, he’ll be feeling pretty low again this afternoon. Joanna’s been feeling kind of under the weather for a few days but yesterday she showed me the whites of her eyes under her bottom eyelids and she’s got big red splotches and look awful so I want her to go in even if she’s feeling better. That’s the only reason I’m up now and not back in bed—waiting to call the doctor at 8:00.
I thought I wanted to make bread yesterday but in the morning I decided it was time to commence work on the living room. It has never had a deep cleaning before; at least not since we arrived here more than four years ago. So by my reckoning, it is high time, past due. I started with moving the television. Laura helped me with that and once it was done, I cleaned the two windows nearest where it had been. They hadn’t been cleaned since we’ve been here and probably for a good ten years before that since none of them had been for about ten years, according to Paul’s recollections, before we arrived. High time. I did not get everything done. Around 3:00 I had had enough dust to last a lifetime to I took a shower.
We were going to clean the chapel at church, the boys and I, while Laura was at institute. With that plan in the back of my mind, Seth and Joseph went with me when I took Amena to the Toys r Us parking lot to meet up for carpooling to the temple. As we were stopped at the stoplight at the main entrance on the north side, we were behind a car that seemed vaguely familiar (I don’t really have an eye for cars like Paul and Laura do) and there were a couple of boys in the back that seemed vaguely familiar (I have a better eye for boys). I could have been wrong, but they looked rather like Logan Troop and Mac Brimhall. Well, we drove over to where we needed to be and sure enough, Amy Troop pulled up just before we did. That was convenient since I wanted to talk to her about the Relief Society dinner next month. She likes my idea and had some ideas of people to talk to for individual tables which was nice.
Our next stop was the Yang’s to drop off the frozen meal I had promised them. I got to hold the baby while there and that was awesomely wonderful! He’s a very nice looking baby with lots of black hair. I just love babies. They’re so small and so loaded with potential and smell so wonderful!
Then we were off to the church. We arrived somewhat early and had to wait. The next people to arrive were Laura and Cedric. Then Meredith and her troops. Then Sariah Armstrong. No one who could open the church. We stood around talking about childbirth while all the younglings minus Cedric who felt pretty bad and AmyJoy who is a bit young yet for such activities ran around playing. At 7:20 still no one with a key had arrived so we all left.
When we got home, I was very annoyed to see that in the brief time in that Laura had been gone and with Joanna at home, the dogs got in to at least four bags of garbage in the back room and one of them peed on the floor in front of the fireplace. Not a happy camper was I. I cleaned up the mess in front of the fireplace and then cleaned up the mess in the back room and got Seth and Joseph fed. Cedric tried some of the ibuprofen I had for children and couldn’t stomach it so he spit it out. Then Laura and I took the garbage to dispose of it and stopped at Price Chopper to get some whole wheat flour for breadmaking purposed today and ice-cream because I was feeling annoyed and put out and the bank so she could check her balance. Then I saw a chip truck so we stopped at Stop n’Shop to get some chips. Paul got home just after we did and he’d gotten some chips for me to try as well so I had a small bag that he had gotten and tried a few of the larger bag. The small bag was hot. The larger has good flavor but is not hot. I didn’t have any of the ones I got.
Boys were all sleeping. Sort of. Cedric was awake and very hot so he got a drink of water. He was actually sweating which I saw as a good thing as it most likely meant his fever was breaking. I never did get to my phlebotomy studying yesterday and at 10:30 in the evening that just wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t take my book to the library either. So those things and cleaning didn’t happen.
I did add 1,004 words (I think, it might have been 1,003) to a previous chapter about Hywel and Cailin. I’d run across a post on Facebook on about handfasting and was intrigued so I added an entire wedding ceremony which included a handfasting-type ritual. I kind of like it but hope it isn’t too much. Sort of. I kind of really don’t care if it’s too much because I think it’s cool.
Paul reports that he has pneumonia and his doctor wants to talk to him. Blair told him not to come in to work today which is okay since he does have everything here that he needs in order to work from home. Hopefully he won’t want to watch a movie in the living room because although he could, it’s still a mess and I really don’t want to aggravate my cough any more today than I did yesterday. I’d like to give it today to chill before jumping back in.
And that is that. Joanna and Cedric get to go see the doctor at 10:50 this morning which is 10 minutes before Joanna’s deadline of 11:00. The first option was 1:30 but I knew Joanna didn’t want to go in that late so I asked if there was anything earlier and 10:50 was our only option so I took it.
When I went to bed last night (actually it was a few minutes after midnight so it was this morning) Paul was right behind me. He was in a talkative mood and we didn’t get to sleep until after 4:30. Holy cow. Anyway, at one point in time, we were discussing the way the body works. It amazes Paul sometimes how some food will bypass others and hurry out while some seem to take forever. And then how sometimes it feels like you need to use the toilet but nothing happens and sometimes it doesn’t feel like there is anything there but when you go to use the toilet it’s like projectile vomiting only projectile defecation would be a more appropriate description. That got us talking about what would happen if one of those little rock-hard pieces of excrement were to ricochet around. Maybe a cracked toilet or potential damage to body parts? It was hilarious.

With Paul home and possible rain all day, today could be a very interesting day. I hope you all have a good one! 

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