Monday, August 5, 2013


Good morning! It is thus far a beautiful day outside. Inside, the dogs made two puddles in the living room, one rather large, and they got into the garbage in the back room. Not pleased with that. The blue bucket I use to feed goats while milking just arrived back inside so I will be off.
Well, the goat is milked and they have fresh water and are ready to go out. Cedric thinks it’s Amena’s turn. They need to bring them in one more time and then she’ll owe each of them a time taking them out. I thought that we might get a little less milk today because they came in early due to the rain and there was—almost five ounces less. I think the goats that Paul had when we came didn’t like the rain much and got brought in when it did. These goats will let us know that it’s raining but they usually don’t want to come in just because it’s raining. Yesterday it rained for a few minutes but it didn’t do much more than get the ground wet.
Joseph still had a headache yesterday afternoon and was feverish. Last night he was hovering around 101°F and this morning when I checked he was 100.75°F. I think this will put some kind of a kink in our plans to go to Six Flags tomorrow. I think Joseph ought not to go but I’m not sure the girls will want to take Amena, Cedric and Seth. Actually, after talking to the girls, they don’t mind going but neither of them feels that they have enough money. That is probably true. I know I don’t. Anyway, if Laura goes, they’ll have to take Laura’s car. If Laura doesn’t go, they’ll go in Joanna’s Jeep.
An hour later... Joseph has an appointment to see the nurse practitioner at 11:00. Amena wanted to check something really quick and it took much longer than the second she said. Cedric is dancing around and had to open the door and shut it twice and announce that it is freezing twice before actually going out to take out the goats. Silly child.
Yesterday was an okay day. Church was good. The Relief Society room has been rearranged and I basically like it how it is now. I think the only change I personally would make is to put the piano back in the corner. Just me, you know. Paul and I went to visit the Fuller’s after we ate. That’s kind of fun. They are very interesting people. I think most people really are, if you get to know them, there are just a lot of people in this world I don’t really want to get to know.
I need to get my planner and write my list of things to do for today. I was planning on adding Pilates to the daily stretching and I’m up to 30 seconds for the plank. Other than that I’ll just have the usual: phlebotomy study, writing 1,000 words, feeding minions, and making a couple of cakes. One for the Yang’s (I am doing a frozen meal for them—the main dish is done and the cake ought to freeze well), one for us.

Have a splendiferic day!

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