Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another Two Year Mark

Good morning! It is a beautiful day out in spite of the bugs (it looks and feels like it rained again during the night). It is a beautiful day in as well in spite of the fact that boys think it’s perfectly okay to play with Daniel’s Legos before they eat breakfast.
Today also marks the second anniversary of the day that Daniel welcomed Papa to the other side of the veil and words cannot express how much I miss them both. I will have a good day remembering interspersed with tears.
I love this picture. I hope noone gets tired of seeing it because I'm sure it will show up in here a few more times.
Yesterday Amena got to go to the doctor but, like her brothers, was seen by the nurse practitioner. Her name is Carrie and thus far, I like her. She has the same thing the boys have but somewhat surprisingly, not as bad. Her cough sounds as bad, oftentimes worse, but I guess her lungs don’t sound as bad. Maybe she’s used to coughing stuff up more than they are and therefore gets more out and therefore stuff doesn’t stay down. Maybe. No idea what it is that they’ve all had.
This is Daniel's state quarter collection with a hunk of parafin. It gets hot in the attic; that hunk of parafin melted around the phone charger you see there and was the usual rectangular shape when I last saw it.
Other than that, I did my morning stretches after lunch and my 30 second plank. Seth did the plank with me and pooped out at about 25 seconds. He wants to have a six-pack and I told him doing planks will help develop those muscles. We’ll see how he does today. I also wrote 1,000 words. Other than that, I did peaches. I did seven quarts of canned, five jars of various sizes of jam, one jar of peach simply syrup, and one cobbler.
More turkeys in the yard. Actually, I'm pretty sure these are the same turkeys but they were in the front of the house in the afternoon. They were on their way into the garden here which is fine with me because they eat grasshoppers.
It rained all morning stopping shortly before 2:00 at which time Cedric talked Laura into helping him take the goats out.
Children spent much of the day playing with Legos which was fine because it was raining and then it was rather wet out for playing outside. Next time I do peaches, they’ll help with them because by the end of the day, I was tired of standing.
The fruits of my labors. In the back are the canned peaches. Then the jam (the simple syrup is on the right and I think I told you wrong on jars of jam--it's actually six). Then the cobbler. Other than forgetting to sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar, it turend out well.
Up for today I have the usual things planned with 30 minutes of stacking wood thrown in and maybe finishing the cleaning job in the living room that I put on hold when everyone was sick.
Yesterday (I feel like I’m very disjointed this morning—what do you think?) I had to donate three 10-pound bags of rice to the goats (I really wish we had chickens sometimes) because they were no good. I hope it’s okay for the goats to eat a thing every day until it’s gone. I use a 20-ounce plastic glass (that sounds really strange) to measure out the grain and alfalfa pellets and we have some cracked corn that we had for the chickens that I’ve been doling out as well. I added the rice to that.

I think that’s about it for now. Have a fantabulous day!

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