Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Uneventful Day with a Twist

Good morning! It is too warm and way too humid this morning. It is so humid out that you can see it hanging in the air. Try about 96% humidity. Yuck. Actually, if you took away the humidity, the temperature would be okay.
Yesterday was a get ready for school kind of day. All morning Amena wanted to know when we were going to get supplies. I went with Laura to Staples after she got home and we got what was needed with a few exceptions. Seth still needs a calculator which I’ll get when I see one I like. Amena thinks he needs colored pencils but Laura has some he can have, a pencil box that I’m sure we have running around somewhere and if we don’t, they don’t cost much, and a black fine tip Sharpie that I think a blue one will work for but the list says black and we know how literal Amena can be. Cedric needs 3 holed graph paper and I think there is some upstairs. I  couldn’t believe that a 4 MB flash drive was on his list. I don’t even know if they make them that small any more.
When Laura and I got home, Amena wanted to sort everything out which was fine so she started doing that. Then I asked Laura if she’d be willing to take Amena and Cedric to get shoes. That way I could make supper and we wouldn’t have to go today.  She was willing although not excited. I can’t say I blame her for that.
Just as Seth, Joseph and I were finishing up eating, Paul called. The truck died on the way home from work. Could I look up Ray’s number? I did. Paul tried calling but there was no answer. Who was home? Me. Seth. Joseph. Oh. I called Laura and she didn’t answer but she called back and I asked her if she could drive by Ray’s and see if he was there. She did. She didn’t see any lights although his truck was there. She didn’t get out and walk around or knock so I went to see if he was there. If his truck is there, he is, so he had to be around somewhere. I got there, noticed there were lights on, knocked on a back door and then he walked around a motor home in the back with his dog. He’d been out walking the dog. For some reason his phone wouldn’t work so I called Paul with mine and he talked to Ray. I think Paul was hoping it would be an easy fix that Ray could do on the side of the road but Ray didn’t seem too excited about going to look. Soooo, Paul called a place in Sterling where he took the van once and they called a towing service and the truck got towed there. I got to drive down to pick Paul up in Laura’s car. That was pretty exciting. Even more exciting is the fact that the problem with the truck might be a fuel injector which is something like a $1,000 fix. Yikes. If it isn’t one thing, it’s a half dozen others. Or, in this case, just one really expensive thing. The bug already needs to go to Springfield today and the Jetta needs some attention. That means there is the van for Paul to drive to work. And soccer practice starts Thursday. Oh boy.
I didn’t do much yesterday other than laundry, going to Staples, and picking up Paul. I did spend a lot of time looking at patterns and clothes for the mid-1770’s and the medieval period. That was fun but not really the best use of my time. There is always so much that needs to be done. I did wash some of the fabric that I’m going to use for waistcoats for the boys. It needed washing before getting used in the worst way. Those I washed yesterday were both wool fabrics and they came from Salvation Army. Goodness knows how long they sat in someone’s stash without being washed. When I took them out of the washing machine, I thought I might have to rewash them but once they were dry (yes, I wash and dry wool in the washer and dryer—just not all wool) they were fine. I’ll get the third, which is a cotton upholstery fabric, done today. It doesn’t look like it sat for so long and doesn’t smell.
Up for today is a trip to Springfield. Amena has an orientation at the middle school. We have missionaries for supper. That should be enough.

Have a wonderful day! 

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