Monday, June 10, 2013

A New Day

Good morning! There isn’t anything quite like going out to milk the goat ninja style (with a Joseph shirt over my head so that all you can see are my fogging up glasses) and then coming in, straining the milk, and discovering that the last several days of milk records have disappeared. That is a very strange thing because one day I did not milk but the others I have and I always record how much milk I got. Today was 29.9 ounces.
Currently it is 65° and very nice outside. I didn’t see any wafting pollen but didn’t want to take any chances of being attacked by it which is why I went out to milk ninja style. I can avoid going out for other reasons until 10:00 which is about when pollen is supposed to settle down for the day. I never have liked this deal with pollen being most active outside at the times when I would most like to be out there but until we get too hot and humid again, I can deal with it.
Yesterday afternoon the boys and Amena wanted to go swimming. It was 72° out and just not really swimming weather, you know? The water would have been freezing. I suggested going to a park but didn’t want to go myself due to the pollen issues I’ve been dealing with (it took an hour for my eyes and nose to settle down after getting the church). After Paul had left with the boys, I thought that I probably should have gone because I wasn’t bothered overmuch at Seth’s game Saturday afternoon. Still, I’ve been taking these nondrowsy allergy pills for a week now and I’m hoping they’ll kick in sometime but they make me drowsy and I really wanted a nap. I got one, and got some reading and a little knitting done. But then Paul called. He needed to know birthdates for the boys. It appears they’d gone to see a falls (now I really wish I’d’ve gone) and when they got there, the boys took off running. Paul can’t really run too fast with his knee so after wandering around looking for them, he went to the Ranger Station to see if they’d been by there. They hadn’t. He went to the camp ground to see if anyone there had seen them. Noone had. Someone at the Ranger Station wanted to call the police because it was getting late which is true. They were eventually found or turned up and I get this phone call. “The boys are okay, they’re not hurt, but. . . .” I really hate that. When the school calls and I get that first off, I know they’ve done something that I’m not going to be happy about. When I heard that, I knew they’d done something I wasn’t going to be happy about. Grrrrrrr. I’m not happy about it. They know better; they need to start acting upon their knowledge. And I swear, if I get any unwanted calls or visits from anyone sticking their noses into my life, I am not going to be a happy camper.
If anyone from school reads this, beware, you will likely hear some embellished story from one of the boys—I know they love to embellish stories.
Today is a new day. I am completely open. There are several things I would like to do including putting panels in the garden for the tomatoes and cucumbers. There is a Massachusetts Midwifery Alliance meeting in I forget where but it starts with a B that I wouldn’t mind going to. I got there two years ago but had to turn around to pick Daniel up from Quabbin because his asthma was acting up and he either needed something for his cough or to go home. We chose go home. That might be the last time I picked him up from school. It is the day I got my only speeding ticket in Massachusetts. I will be riding my bike and doing Pilates and might have some observations from The Return of the King for you tomorrow.

Have a great day!

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