Monday, June 24, 2013

Full Moon

Well, school is out and I don’t have to get up to make sure the kids, ooops, I meant children, get up and ready for school in time to catch the bus. So of course what do I do? Wake up before 6:00. Such is life. Other than that, it is a beautiful morning although again I think it’s just a touch warm for the hour (68°). Could be worse, I know.
Yesterday was a good Sunday. Church was good. There was a baptism after that the boys wanted to stay for so even though there was not choir practice, Laura was willing to stay so the boys could. Amena stayed as well. Paul and I came home and got lunch ready. Joanna came home early because her eyes were really bothering her. She’s having a terrible time with her eyes and allergies this year.
Joanna also ended up working for someone yesterday afternoon/evening. I guess it’s someone who has covered for her several times and had asked her several times this week to take shifts for him. Most of the week she couldn’t but yesterday she could so she did. Because of it, other people kept asking her to take their shifts on Sunday’s and she said, “No, I don’t work on Sunday.” It has always been my experience that if you do something once, people expect you to do it again. She said it was lousy. Very slow and she didn’t even make $10/hour. Hmmmmm, I wonder why.
Because her eyes were bothering her so bad, she wore glasses to work and someone there said, “You wear glasses?”
To which someone else said, “No, she doesn’t wear glasses; they’re just on her face.”
Yeah. People make the most interesting comments sometimes.
For lunch we had pork chops and steak grilled. Mine was overdone but otherwise good. We also had salad (with ice-burg lettuce so I didn’t have much) and watermelon for dessert. I’ve been really tired as of late on Sunday afternoons so I took a nap. We were debating going somewhere like we’ve been doing Sunday afternoons but basically decided by our inaction (which was encouraged by the heat) to stay home. The boys ended up playing with Daniel’s Legos most of the afternoon.
I took a nap which was very nice and Adam, Kim and Ryan came over to visit. That was also nice. Ryan went out with the boys to jump on the trampoline for a while and then they were back playing with Legos. Then Ryan was playing games on Kim’s phone and Joseph was watching/helping much of the time. Seth and Cedric stayed out with the Legos.
Paul went out to visit the Fuller’s because he hadn’t been this month and I guess our home teachers decided through inaction to not come visit us. Laura went to church to watch the broadcast and said that it was very good. We had family prayer and read a chapter of 2nd Nephi before Paul, Laura or Joanna got home and then it was time for bed. It was pretty obviously a full moon day based on behavior but once the boys were in bed, it really didn’t take long for them to be out in spite of constant complaints.
I managed to get enough done on the shrug I’ve been working on during church that it was time to switch needle size so I did that once I went to bed. Because the needle I’m using is a circular one with interchangeable tips, it takes two rows to change both. I change one and knit across and then change the other and purl across. Now I’m less than ten inches from the end at which point I get to sew up the sleeve portion and begin the ribbing around the edge. In other words, the end is in sight.
After that, I read a chapter of 1st Corinthians and then about 50 pages of Here Be Dragons. I was just going to skim through and really focus on just the battle scenes but I just love reading the whole thing. There are nearly 700 pages and because the type is smaller and the rows closer together, I do not think I will be finishing it in an equivalent amount of time compared to Eragon but my goal is at least 50 pages each day and more than 100 would be nice. I’d like to get it finished by the end of the week and go to the library Friday morning.

Up for today is a whole lot of I don’t know yet. Stay tuned and have a wonderful day!

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