Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Crappy Day

Good morning! It is wet outside this morning and depending upon which weather report you look at and believe, it should be a wet one all day today. That is fine with me. I don’t want to go outside (although in the rain isn’t bad). It is taking care of the pollen which is nice but I know it won’t last forever. I normally love to be outside when the weather is nice and the world is green. This year is changing that.
Yesterday was . . . . . . a crappy day. It had its moments of being okay but generally, I’d have to say crappy. It started out okay. I rode the bike while I watched The Return of the King but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for lessons learned/observations because I just am not in the mood right now. There was a really good one—I might have to rewatch that part today.
I went out at about 9:45 to work in the garden and was out for about an hour. I put up three panels for tomatoes and cucumbers to climb. That was interesting. When I came back in, I started riding again and the phone rang. It was Paul. While I was talking to him, another call came but I just take note of who it is rather than putting someone on hold or I’ll get off the phone quick if it’s someone I need to talk to. This wasn’t something I recognized so I wasn’t going to get off the phone quick with Paul. I did finish riding.
When I was done, I looked up the phone number and nothing came up doing a reverse number look up. Then, because I knew it was Commonweath of MA, and I knew that the police had been called about my lovely boys the day before, I looked up Department of Children and Families online and sure enough, the number was that for their Worcester office. NOT what I needed. I emailed Paul with the information and then I attempted to do my Pilates. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.
I thought about going to pick the boys up from school because I know the tactics used by DCF—divide and conquer. I took a shower, texted Joanna about using her Jeep and was on my way out to the Jeep. Then I thought, no, Cedric shouldn’t be riding in the front seat and the Jeep only has two seats in the back. So I thought I’d take the truck. I was in the truck and was ready to go but had a bad feeling about it. After all, if I picked the boys up, how would it look? Maybe not good. I did nothing wrong. Paul did nothing wrong. I know that just because you do nothing wrong doesn’t mean much to these people but I didn’t need to start behaving in a manner that indicated that I had done something wrong. So, I didn’t go.
My afternoon would have been a wreck had Diane not called. She saved me. I hadn’t received any other phone calls. I didn’t know if they’d left a message and if they did, what it said. I didn’t know if someone was going to be talking to the kids at school. I didn’t know if someone was going to attempt to talk to me at home. All I did know is that if someone did come to the house, I was going to ask them if they had a warrant to enter and if not, they were not going to be invited in. In fact, they would be invited to leave and return when an attorney was present. Thank goodness Diane called. I don’t often allow myself to dissolve into hysterics, but there are moments and yesterday was one.
Today has the potential to be better. Paul did talk to someone yesterday and we’ve been referred to someone for some kind of grief stuff. Well, I don’t think we need it personally; I think we’re okay in that department. But I won’t get into that at the moment because because.
Suffice it to say today has the potential to be better. I am going to go to kindergarten this morning. Before I do that, I will eat breakfast. When I come home, I will do Pilates or ride the bike or something. Sometime in there I will have lunch and put some beans on to cook for supper (we’re having burritos). I also will make guacamole sometime. Other than that, I am going to read. If I feel like, I will write. I might do some more housework and if the rain stops, Cedric might have soccer practice.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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