Monday, June 17, 2013

Trust Your Body

Just starting out.

This was pretty cool.

Just below the bridge, as you can see.

Good morning! It is a beautiful day for Seth and Cedric to have field trips. Seth is going to Plimoth Plantation and Cedric is going somewhere else.
Amena had to finish her book. Nevermind that she could and should have done so Saturday when she had time.

Cool, yes?

Also cool.

Yesterday church was sparsely attended due to the campout at Camp Joseph. Paul thinks it’s ridiculous to have a campout on the weekend of Father’s Day and thinks that such a thing would not happen if it happened to be Mother’s Day. The only opinion I will offer at this time is that every other ward I’ve been in has had a campout nearer to July 24th. Cedric had a talk in Primary which was good because I was falling asleep during third hour. I went and stood in the hall for the last 10 minutes and then went in when it was time for his talk.
The water is obviously full of minerals. Wouldn't want to drink it.

Vegitation overhanging an old foundation.

Ring, anyone? On the outisde of the above foundation.

After we ate, we went to Doane’s Falls in Royalston. It is pretty cool. The pictures I took don’t do it justice but hopefully you’ll get an idea of what it is like. Becky and Jay, I think you’d really like it there. There are lots of trails for hiking and even biking and a lake for canoeing, kayaking, fishing and I guess swimming. There are places to camp and places to picnic. I can see us going back again before summer is over. Probably more than once.
I wish you could get a better sense of the whole thing from pictures.

We saw lots of these guys.

While sitting in church yesterday and watching the lovely pregnant ladies, I was thinking, as I often do, of pregnancy and birth and common attitudes and things that women say. One of those things is, “I don’t know how to have a baby.” Sometimes, “I’ve never done it before,” is added. Well, this is what I thought—anyone out there reading this, do you know how to make your heart beat or pump blood? Do you know how to make your kidneys filter blood and create urine? Do you know how to make your gall bladder make bile?
Think about it. Even if you know the processes involved, can any of you make these things happen?
I thought not.
Guess what?
Your body does know how to do these things. Trust it.
Just as you do not need a doctor to make your heart beat, you do not need a doctor to give birth. Sometimes there may be a problem with your heart that requires a doctor but are you going to go live at the hospital for that possibility? Heck no. So why do women think they have to go to the hospital to give birth? Trust your body, ladies. Just trust your body. Please.
The three explorers.

With that, I will leave you for today. Have a wonderful one!
Cool fungus. It was more pink in person.

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