Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rain. Again.

Good afternoon! All is quiet, more or less, on the homefront. Joseph and I are the only humans home. Scooter is wandering around smelling everything and her claws do click on the floor. It’ isn’t too bad though. The goats are being noisy. When Joseph and I got home, I wasn’t going to bring the goats in but then they started hollering so I went out and opened the gate and undid them. So now what are they doing? Standing out in the rain and the kids are hollering up a storm.
Yesterday was an okay day.
Laura helped a bit in the garden and we got the corn planted. While I was clearing leaves from the area I wanted to plant the corn, I discovered many potatoes I must have missed last fall when harvesting. They were in various stages of sprouting so I tossed them on the new pile of leaves and covered them with more leaves. It should be interesting to see how well they do.
I did get my biking and Pilates done. I got fuel in the red car so it is no longer running on fumes.
I read. I corrected. I fixed little mistakes. I took the boys and Amena to church thinking I would be able to read, correct and fix little mistakes while I was waiting but not much along those lines happened. So when we got home, I read, I corrected, I fixed little mistakes. And then I emailed Diane the rest of the story and now I don’t have anything to read, correct, or fix.  Well, that’s not really true. I have lots to read. I don’t know how many books we have here but it is in the high 100’s at least. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it is over 1,000.  I have lots to correct including my own attitude at times (it’s not bad at the moment though) as well as other things. I have lots to fix, including a shirt or two and a couple pair of pants. Lots to keep me busy. The problem is that those things that need to be done do not always do well when competing with those things that I want to do.
Today was Joseph’s field trip to the Ecotarium in Worcester. It was pretty cool. Joseph was pretty happy that he and Luke got to go with me. He is extremely happy that tomorrow after school he gets to go to Vincent’s house. Joseph and Luke were good but being boys didn’t really want to stay in one place very long. Because it was already raining when we got there, we went and looked at everything inside first. That worked out well because when we were done, it was time for lunch. After lunch, we went to see the outside stuff even though it was still raining. We got a bit damp but it wasn’t too bad. The animals are pretty cool. It is extremely nice that the bald eagles they have are rescue birds that would not have survived in the wild due to injuries. Likewise with the owls. It is sad to see such magnificent beings enclosed but at the same time it is wonderful that they’ve been given a second chance at life.
Joseph and Luke.
Toward the end of the trip, Joseph was carrying his and my water bottles and set them down to look at the boa constrictor. We both forgot them there and when I thought of them not more than 10 minutes later, they were gone. That is probably the worst part of the trip because I was thirsty and probably wouldn’t have bought a water even if I’d have thought to.

And that is about that. I hope you all are in the middle of a wonderful day!

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