Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Good morning! I am guessing that it is a good morning. So far, I’m not sure I’m ready to proclaim it as such but am willing to give it the benefit of a doubt in case it improves.
I need a faster camer for next year. Next year being August.
All of the fun yesterday has made it so that I cannot breathe today. That is not fun. Not only is my  nose full of accumulated mucous which makes it extremely difficult to effect gas exchange, but my bronchioles are constricted and I am convinced that the only reason I am able to live without using my inhaler every six seconds is due to breathing habits developed when I was much younger.

I don’t remember exactly when it was, but I remember reading something to the effect of your heart beats so many times and you breathe so many times and then you die. More or less. So I figured that if you get your heart rate down and learn to slow your breathing, you would live longer. Well, one of the best ways to get your resting heart rate down is to exercise it. I am convinced that you can consciously lower your heart rate as well but I think exercise really is better because it strengthens your heart muscle. Breathing is very easily changed via conscious effort and I have done that. When I breathe, I breathe deep. When I am bored or it’s late at night and I’m awake, I pay attention to others breathing and I breathe slower. Which isn’t to say I’m not getting as much oxygen because I am probably getting more because I don’t just breathe slower, I breathe deeper. You know when you go to the doctor and they tell you to breathe deep? Well, I never can finish one breath before they say, “Again.” I’m always like, “Seriously? I didn’t finish the first one.” So, I have been so bad that I had a hard time getting the air into my lungs and that is no fun. But generally, I can get it in and if I can get it in, I can get it out. The only problem is that sometimes the effort of breathing at such times puts my back out.
For the first game, I was sitting in the clover patch. There were bees all over the place.
Anyway, Cedric’s games were okay. The first they lost 7 to nothing. The other team had more kids. Cedric’s team had seven players and the other team had at least 10. The second game was much better. I’m not sure if their attitude was better or what the deal was but the other team had 14 players (I’m not sure where Cedric came up with 21 but that’s how many he’s convinced they had). Quabbin scored first and then two more times before the other team scored the first time. Then again. So the score was 4 to 1 for quite a while. Then the other team got one and another and then in the last three seconds of the game tied. Considering everything, I think that’s pretty darn good.
Gotta take a picture of my shoes, ya know?
When we got home, Paul hadn’t managed to mow yet because he was having trouble with the mower. It’s still being difficult and he’s decided it needs to go to the John Deere doctor so I don’t know when we’re going to get our grass under control. Someday.

I went out and got the Christmas stuff out of the yard with Seth’s help. That is another reason for my breathing problems.

Paul and I did end up getting to go out last night which was nice. We hadn’t been for three weeks so it was time. We went to the Korean place and I got some hot chicken. It is sooooo good! The amazing thing is that it was still light when we got home.
Cedric's team. That's him in the back on the left.
Well, it is time to be getting some things done so I will sign off.
Have a great day!

And, Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there! 

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