Friday, June 14, 2013


I told Seth and Joseph that I graduated from high school 27 years ago yesterday.  They both got funny expressions on their faces and Seth said, “That’s a while ago.” Indeed it is. Sometimes I think of all the teachers that I had and the things that I learned from them. Often, the most important lessons learned are not those that come from a text book.
This is what I did with the chicory. It is rather bitter but not too bad. If I make it in the future, it will be for me, not everyone else.
Yesterday afternoon was pretty low key. Mostly. Joanna got home much earlier than we were expecting not long after Joseph and I got home from the field trip. Joseph was pretty worn out and my head hurt so we went to take a nap. Then Amena, Cedric and Seth got home and I got up but Joseph stayed down. He slept until supper time and I wondered if he was going to be able to sleep when it was time for bed.
I ended up taking a headache pill because the head was still aching so I probably gained two or three pounds last night. Joanna brought home a shot glass from Idaho that says Darth Tater and has a picture of a potato head dressed up like Darth Vader. It’s pretty cute. I asked her if she was giving me a hint (it was before the headache pill that I took knowing that being happy is still a choice but that it can be very difficult to choose when your head is pounding).
Not the greatest picture but you get the idea.
Right now I just had to send Joseph up to finish getting ready for school because he was sitting at the table singing about Darth Tater. Silly boy. He did not have trouble getting back to sleep at bed time so he was really worn out. He is pretty excited that today he gets to go home with Vincent.
On my agenda for today is nothing. Not really but I am not planning on accomplishing a whole lot today. Seth is spending the night with a friend. Amena has a science open house at school this evening. I do want to get some reading done as well as laundry and clean up the kitchen. It’s amazing how quickly kitchens turn into disaster areas. There really is no end.
The rain is still with us. Yesterday Cedric and Seth just would not leave each other alone. The incessant rain makes it hard because it isn’t like I can send them outside (unless I tell them to take a bar of soap) to play or ride bikes or something. The only good thing I can say about it at this point is that Paul brought home a big box of corn husks for the goats last night so at least they have something to keep them occupied in their shed.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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