Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This (I Just Felt Like Saying That)

Good foggy morning!
I have been reading Woman’s Life in Colonial Days by Carl Holliday. In spite of the fact that I am only not quite one third of the way through, I am finding it very interesting. The first chapter is about religion and I have to say that I am very glad I did not live in New England during colonial days. Their God was arbitrary and cruel. And the people lived in fear that in spite of their best efforts, they wouldn’t measure up. And guess where the greatest craze was for witch hunts? While I like Massachusetts alright, I find that it has the same general attitude that it has had from the start.
This morning it is my plan to go visit a friend in Auburn. This afternoon my plan is to do a bit of cleaning and fixing supper. When I get home from Christine’s I will most likely do my bike riding and Piilates since there really isn’t going to be time before I leave.
Yesterday Seth had fun at Plimoth Plantation. Cedric had fun at Old Sturbridge Village. I would like to go visit both places. I really should have signed up to be a chaperone at one of them. I can go to Old Sturbridge Village with Seth next year but I’ll have to wait for Joseph to be in third grade for Plimoth Plantation. I suppose I’ll be able to wait that long. Maybe.
Yesterday afternoon I took a nap. Paul and I were awake until nearly 2:00 talking and I wake up by 6:30 at the latest. Yesterday it was closer to 5:30. Cedric and Seth were up and excited and needed lunches made. They’re getting good at helping which is nice. Anyway, after I had ridden the bike and done my Pilates and had a shower and read for a bit, I was tired. Especially since all of that was a bit on the late side because Laura needed to go to Auto Zone for a part for the white car (which is a story all of its own). Anyway, it was a short nap because Amena and Joseph got home right about the time I wanted to leave to go to school to wait for Cedric and Seth. But, it was a very nice nap.
Yesterday at 6:00 we went back to school for the science open house. It was interesting. One of the classes had set up in the cafeteria and their projects looked like science faire projects which is kind of what I was expecting. Amena’s class all did models of cells. That was interesting, I love cells, but looking at 20 of them is not exactly what I had in mind when I was thinking of an open house.
Paul just said that the hot water is gone. That means we need to dump fuel in the tank and play with the furnace to get it started again. I don’t think that is something I will be doing although I’ve done it in the past with other furnaces. Some of them have been real bears.
I think it was Friday when Laura took all four of our missionaries to a meeting in Amherst. The four of them plus Laura added up to more weight than she’s carried in that car before. The tailpipe was held on by a wire coat hanger (what is the world going to do when there are no more of them?) at the end and really needed support somewhere in the middle as well. With the added weight, the part in the middle was hitting the ground. A police officer somewhere took notice and pulled her over. Well, it doesn’t have a sticker either. So, yesterday being Monday, she set about taking care of the tailpipe and plans to drop it off today to have the other things taken care of that need to be in order for it to pass inspection.
Laura didn’t work yesterday until 3:00 which was handy because it gave her lots of time for playing with the exhaust. She had gotten a strap for it but it wasn’t the right one so she needed to go and get one. She chose to go to Auto Zone and I decided that since she needs to learn to drive a stick, she should drive and I’d go along for the ride. Well, that was an interesting experience. I needed to go to the bathroom before we left but decided to wait thinking we wouldn’t be gone long. I hadn’t taken into consideration how hilarious Laura’s driving would be. She did alright but really needs to work on applying gas more uniformly and a lot slower. We spent most of the way there cracking up—it was so bloody funny. And I almost peed my pants.  
Yesterday while riding, I watched The Return of the King. And do you know what is really interesting? When you are looking for quotes in the script, it helps if you look at the right one. I wanted to find something that Elrond had said and I searched the whole thing and didn’t find what I was looking for. Then I realized I had the script for The Two Towers. Yeah, get the right script and it’s right there; look in the wrong one and you’ll never find it. That’s lesson one for today.
Lesson two is that we all need to remember who we are. Aragorn is Isildur’s heir and as such is the rightful heir to Gondor. He has lived his life as a Ranger but that is not who he truly is. It seems pretty obvious that while he is willing to do what needs to be done, he does not want to take upon himself the title of King. When Elrond appears, he tells Aragorn, “They will answer to the King of Gondor. . . Put aside the Ranger - become who you were born to be. . .” This is something that we would all do well to remember. We all need to become who we were born to be. We are children of the divine and as such, we should act accordingly.
And that is all for today. Over 1,000 words so you should be good.
Have a wonderful day!

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