Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Good morning. It is already too warm (71°) and I think this might be short.
Yesterday we were not able to go to Goguen’s because every now and then their lake gets ‘treated’ with some kind of poisonous substance to control algae or something and swimming is not allowed for three or four days. Yesterday was the day chosen for treatment so the rest of the week is no good either. Kinda stinks.
Cedric and Amena had their physicals and all is well. Cedric had to have two shots and I still vacillate as to whether or not I am in favor of vaccinations. I do wonder how often doctors see undefiled penises though. Cedric has an adhesion of the foreskin and I think to myself, “What’s the big deal? None of the boys were circumcised. Adhesion is normal. Does this adhesion mean that there is a problem or that Cedric is a good kid?” I don’t know. I’d like to do some research on the subject before he goes in in four months for follow up.
It just so happens that we saw Linda Trivett while we were waiting for Amena to be done. They go to the same doctor. Since Joanna was going to be home, I was thinking about stopping at the Trivett’s to get the plates and our registration for the red Prizm but since she was at the doctor’s office, that wasn’t really an option (which turned out to be fine). We still picked Sarah up and brought her home with us and she and Amena rode bikes for a while.
Amanda Wood came over so that she and Amena could work on a project and I am afraid I can mention nothing further right now because it is entirely possible that people who are recipients of their labors might either read this or have a family member read this and I was sworn to secrecy. I can tell you about it tomorrow if I remember.
I made macaroni salad in the morning as well as strawberry dump cake. That meant that supper was done because other than that all I had to do was take some Chinese sausages out of the freezer. Pretty difficult, that.
I read, but not as much as I wanted to. In my defense, it was a rather busy day. I don’t know if I’ll get read what I wanted to for today and finish what I wanted to from yesterday but that’s really okay since my original plan was to finish by tomorrow. If I finish today, that’s okay, too.
The boys wanted me to exercise yesterday morning because they wanted to help watch Star Wars. They were disappointed that I wasn’t going to ride and had to make sure that I plan to today. I do. I did the fat burning Pilates yesterday which is nice and I am getting better at it which is good.
The only other thing of interest I can tell you is that I went and voted. Paul did too. I don’t think either of the girls did. The results were not what I wanted but what I expected. We got a democrat who has, according to the New York Times, ‘toiled’ in public office for nearly 40 years, who has never had a real job, who has never introduced a bill. This rather than a republican who served in the military (was a US Navy Seal) and is a successful businessman. He also is the son of Colombian immigrants. Hmmmm. Yeah.
Overall results.

This is why the democrat won. The black circle covers the most populous part of the state: Boston and surrounding cities. The green circle is Springfield: a a cesspool among reason. The blue to the west covers some geographic area but represents a small portion of the population (but does include at least one very large educational institution).

This black circle is Hubbardston. I really think I am glad I live where I do.  Relatively speaking, of course.

Up for today are riding the bike and Pilates, going to the RMV to register the bug, and reading. There are a few other things I’d like to do but I’m not holding my breath. 
Have a great day!

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