Friday, June 7, 2013

Drippy One

Good morning one and all! It is a cloudy and wet, though not raining at the moment, morning. If not for the mosquitoes, it would be quite nice out.
I ended up going out to the garden before I showered. I figured that I would just end up with  more pollen to deal with so why bother. I did a hurry hurry job getting the rest of the plants in and I apologized to them as I was planting them. My eyes and nose were running. My eyes and nose and legs and arms were itching. My lungs were itching. I’m sure it was not a pretty sight. Once that was done, I came in and took a shower. It felt so nice to be clean even though my eyes and nose took some time to settle down. I read for a bit and called the school to leave a message for Mrs. LaRose that I would not be in and took a nap.
After my nap, I rode the bike and did Pilates and rode the bike and got all sweaty so I took another shower. After the two showers and a nap, I almost felt human again. That was nice. Of course, then it was about time to take Cedric to his last soccer practice but Laura was home and could sort of supervise supper. At least theoretically.
Practice was good. It didn’t get over until 7:00 though and I’d agreed to lend my sewing machine and presence to a Relief Society apron making project beginning at 7:00. Thank goodness for daughters who can drive. Laura agreed to take the sewing machine and be there at 6:30 for set up. She called at one point and asked when I’d be there because she’d forgotten thread. That’s about par for the course, I guess.
I finished reading The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin. Then I began reading the story I mostly finished a few years ago, Ana’s Story. I realized at about 6:51 that chapter 23 was missing. How could that be? There was nothing to do for it because I’d only transferred one folder to my flash drive from the desktop upstairs so I was stuck: skip the chapter or not read. I chose to not read.
When Cedric and I got home, Amena and the two boys at home had eaten and read scriptures and had family prayer. She can really be on the ball sometimes. I called Laura to see if thread was really necessary or if I could just stay home. I was kind of tired and didn’t really feel like doing anything. She thought it would be fine if I stayed home so that’s what I did. I ate some Greek broccoli salad and got Seth and Joseph to bed. Cedric was working on a math project and Amena was busy with this and that. She often is.
When I’m tired and really just want to go to bed, what is the most logical thing to do? Hmmmm. The dishes, of course. They needed to be done and hadn’t been finished for a few days so I did that. Then Paul got home and there was stuff to bring in. Then I took care of the gelatin part of sherbet so that it would be cold when I take stuff in to kindergarten this morning to make it.
Then I finally got around to making sure I had the missing chapter on the computer upstairs. I did. I copied the folder it was in onto the flash drive and went downstairs to read. It was then that I discovered that not only had chapter 23 been missing, 22 had been as well, so I ended up reading 23 then 22 and then finishing.
THEN I went to bed.
This morning I am going to kindergarten to make sherbet. It is raining now and Amena took the goats out already. When I go to school for sherbet making, I’ll take Cedric’s fraction mobile which is now done. After school, I will come home and probably ride and do Pilates. And we’ll see how exactly the day goes and what happens.
As you can see, Cedric's mobile has a soccer theme. From the few I've seen entering the school, I have to say that I think Cedric's is the most creative and best one I've seen.

In the meantime, have a splendicular day!
PS Joanna got to Idaho safely.


  1. This time of year I am in love with CLARITIN.

    1. I wish I was in love with something. :( Most allergy pills work for a year or two for me and then stop.
