Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mama Turkey and Babies in the Field

Good morning! It is, once again, a beautiful day. Of course, that is completely dependent upon your liking sunshine, some clouds, lots of green, and moderate temperatures (although I might consider 64° to be a bit warm for this time of day).
Do you remember the adage, “Busy is as busy does”? For some reason it just popped into my mind. Maybe because it’s already been a busy morning. I watered the goats (because someone didn’t do it yesterday), dumped fuel in the tank so we will continue to have hot water, washed those things I needed for milking (because someone didn’t do the dishes yesterday), milked, fed the dogs, and am now sitting here typing this and eating a jalapeño bagel.
Yesterday morning sometime after 8:00, I realized that I hadn’t taken the time to write and decided that I wouldn’t just because there was so much to do and taking a day off now and again isn’t that terrible of a thing to do. So, I hope yesterday was a good one for you, it was here.
Friday was the last day of school and was a half day at that. I rode the bike and did Pilates and you know what’s funny? For some of the stretches in Pilates, Ellen (the woman who is the leader or instructor or whatever she’d be called) says, “This should feel good.” And guess what? It does feel good. It feels good to move and stretch. Now if I could just get more of the fat to leave so that the muscle underneath was more apparent.
Anyway, after that and a shower, Laura and I went to the library so I could check out a couple of books (for the battle scenes) and then to the church parking lot so she could practice starting and stopping with a stick. She did pretty well but does need lots of practice. The books I got were Eragon by Christopher Paolini and Here Be Dragons by Sharon K. Penman. I’ve read them both and like them both and will probably talk about them later.
Once the younglings arrived home, they needed food and to fold and put away their clothes. Cedric had an overnight birthday party to go to so I went up to the very warm (think hot) attic to retrieve something for him to give as a gift. Spy sunglasses were the winner of the day. He wrapped them and got ready to go and then called Nia Carrignan for the address because I couldn’t find it anywhere and Cedric is 11 which really is old enough to start making phone calls like this. So I took him to the birthday party where I was sure he would not have any fun (I mean, seriously, they have a trampoline and a pool—who would have fun somewhere like that?) and came home.
Amena wanted to go spend the night at the triplets house. I kind of wanted her to stay home and babysit because Laura and Joanna were both working late again (9:00 and 8:15). I ended up letting her go anyway which turned out to be fine because Paul had eaten a very late lunch and wasn’t really hungry. I had steak, spinach and escarole salad, and sautéed spinach with mushrooms and garlic.
Paul had an interesting day at work which left him wondering if he should start looking for another job. It must be infuriating working for someone who is generally a nice guy and who is very good at doing what he does but who does not want to relinquish control of the company in spite of the fact that he is absolutely no good at running said company. I believe I have said that I could do a better job. I still think I could based on the fact that I know a little and know enough to ask when I don’t know or understand something.
I spent much of the afternoon and evening reading Eragon. I had read it before but it was years ago before we came to Massachusetts. I read approximately half of it Friday which was kind of fun. The whole book is 497 pages (not counting the pronunciation guide etc. at the end).
Yesterday was a busy day. I spent the morning making a baby ball for the Wests soon to arrive baby girl. That was the not crazy part as I actually finished the ball before t I left with Seth to pick Cedric up from his birthday party and we went straight from there to drop Seth off at the birthday party he was going to. We came home and I got a bar of Amena’s Baby Bars ready to go with the ball. I visited with Linda Trivitt for a bit. She and her husband were here because they’d come to test drive the red car that I’ve been driving. It appears that we are going to take it to Ray’s tomorrow to have a couple of things taken care of and then they’ll buy it. That will be cool because we’ll get to put the bug on the road.
I had some lunch and then took off for the baby shower. I had to leave early to go get Seth but it was nice while I was there. I visited some with Paralee King and Jenny (I think) who is the mother of Emily West’s roommate of five years and helped tie a baby quilt. When the quilt was done, I visited with Heather Myler about the girls and school and Star Wars. I told her she could borrow the first three Star Wars movies and when I came home I couldn’t find the first one (first as in Star Wars: A New Hope). We have at least two copies of each movie so I have no idea where the first has gone.
When I got home, I read.
Paul was busy with the wood pile all afternoon. Steve Mayer came over to help and they got quite a bit done. The boys (and Amena a little) helped stack the pieces of fence that Paul started with. Cedric had been handing Paul the pieces of fence that needed to be cut while Amena and Joseph started stacking. Seth and then Cedric finished with minimal help from Joseph who didn’t want to work without Amena.
Amena went across the street to a party that Adam Stanley was having for a few 6th Grades. I think it started at 2:00 but she forgot about it until after 6:00. I’m not sure when she came home, but it was before 9:00 which it was supposed to be over.
Paul wanted to reward the boys for their hard work so we went to the Korean restaurant that Paul and I often go to. We ordered several dishes to try and amazingly, Joseph liked the greatest variety. I was also surprised that Cedric didn’t seem to like so many things; he actually was the least willing to try things. Anyway, that was kind of fun.
When we got back the boys went straight to bed (they’d already showered and Joseph had had his haircut). I read. I had less than 100 pages to go and wanted to finish last night. I did.
And now it is Sunday morning and Seth is putting cream cheese on a raisin bagel and Joseph is waiting for me to put cream cheese on a cheese bagel. Laura is showering and everyone else is still abed.

Have a wonderful day!

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