Monday, August 6, 2012

A Better Day

Good morning. Yesterday afternoon Joanna said to me, “Mom, why are you so grumpy?” It was the general state of the weather: too hot to begin with and then after it rained, it was too humid. This is also at least part of why I really didn’t feel like writing yesterday. After I spent a couple of hours in my air conditioned room reading and napping, I felt much better.

Yesterday afternoon about 4:00, Paul and Adam took off for western Massachusetts to take the Jetta to a mechanic. Paul thought it would be about a three-hour round trip and it was. They got home just after 7:00. The Jetta ought to be done by Wednesday but we won’t be able to go pick it up until Saturday or Sunday. It will be nice to have it fully operational again. It’s definitely nice having the truck fully operational as well although it does have some kind of issue with the oil (as in it seems to be leaking out and Paul isn’t sure where). Anyway, they took the Jetta, of course, and Adam’s car. Adam didn’t have much gas and when they got home, he didn’t want to chance running out getting home (he won’t go shopping or buy gas on Sunday, we don’t either, for that matter) so he and Ryan stayed here last night. They’ll go home sometime today; it really matters little when.

Yesterday the goats had to come in due to the rain. I had the kids put in with the does and let them stay all night. One reason for this is that no one ever put the tray under the crate that the kids have been spending the night in. It is on the front porch which means they’ve been peeing and pooping on the mats on the floor out there which is not a good thing. Today I’m going to have the children take the crate and mats out and clean it out. Then I want the crate moved, the tray under, fresh hay in, and have it covered with a tarp because I don’t want it on the front porch any longer.

This morning I decided that the thing I don’t like about taking the canine girls for a walk in the morning is that I can’t walk through the garden because they will follow me and they have no idea about not stepping on plants and other such garden protocol. At least with Debby gone they no longer go out and eat all the tomatoes. However, it is nice to take a little detour down the hill and visit Daniel’s grave. We have done that each of the last three mornings.

Paul and Laura just left. Since Laura’s been going with him, he’s been leaving consistently earlier which is a good thing. Leaving at 9:00 is a good time to leave. During the summer I don’t think it makes much difference but during the school year, it does. If they left at 8:00 during the school year, they’d arrive at the same time as if they left at 9:00 Seth and Ryan are upstairs most likely playing. Seth just rejoined them after using the bathroom. Joanna is in her room; according to her, she’s going to begin the painting of the bedroom today. Amena is counting pages in each chapter of a Harry Potter book. It appears that she doesn’t want to subtract page numbers so she’s counting. Silly child. Cedric is doing his best to confuse her counting. Adam is sitting here being amused by their antics. I am thinking about the things I need to do today.

I think I will begin by strolling through the garden and pulling some weeds. Actually, let me back up. I will begin by looking online to see when eggplants are ripe for picking. We have several that are looking good. Then I’ll go out to the garden. Sometime I will take a shower. I want to make more ice-cream today. I want to make banana and try steeping (do you call it that when using milk?) mint leaves in milk to make mint. Then we need all the usual flavors—coffee, chocolate, peanut butter and ginger. And probably more vanilla. Other things will depend on the temperature. If it isn’t too hot, I’d like to make muffins with the rest of the currants we have as they need to be used. Other than that, some school work for Seth and Joseph and whatever happens to happen.

Have a delightful day!

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