Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Good morning! Yet another birthday today—my little Joseph! He is six! I asked him how it felt to be six and he said, “Good!”

It took much longer to get a long picture post than I anticipated yesterday so that didn’t get done until very late—almost midnight. Loading video was taking forever and then not working so I didn’t put any in. I will go upstairs with my laptop at some point today and do a post of just video. If you have access to Facebook, you can see some of them there.

Other than working on pictures and taking Joanna to work, about all I did was go to Walmart to get some cocoa powder and chocolate chips so I could make a cocoa cake with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting for dessert. I also got some totes for the boys to use in organizing their room. They fit under Cedric and Joseph’s bunk bed which works nicely. I need to get some shorter ones to fit under Seth’s bed. Hopefully they will take care of the cluttered mess in the closet and often all over the bedroom floor. Hopefully.

I took chicken out too late to completely thaw for supper which meant I was in a hurry up mode for cooking which means the chicken didn’t turn out how I wanted it to. It was edible and actually tasted good, but didn’t look at all like it ought. Other than that, we had sliced tomatoes and cucumbers marinated in olive oil, vinegar and basil, oregano and thyme from the garden. And cocoa cake for dessert.

Joseph’s pretty excited about supper tonight because Joanna is going to take him to Friendlys and have them sing their birthday song to him. She’s been taking each of her siblings to lunch or supper at Friendlys on Wednesdays because they have everything on the kids menu for $1.99. It worked out really well that Joseph’s birthday is on a Wednesday this year. The scary thing—this is his second birthday since the accident.

The missionaries like to come over early so they can perform some service. If I’d’ve been able to find the hedge trimmers, they would have trimmed the bushes by the driveway I didn’t so they got to weed in the garden. Elder Shim said that he thought they’d done a good job last time (which they did, and I told him so) but the weeds had all grown back! I think he’s kind of a city boy, but a nice one. He’s from Korea and came to the US when he was eight or ten because his parents wanted to provide a better education and life for their three boys. Elder Shim is the youngest. When they’d been here for a few years, his parents had to return to Korea because their visas ran out but the boys stayed because they had a house, jobs and were old enough to take care of themselves. I’m not sure if his parents ever came back and it sounds like he returned to Korea before leaving on his mission. He hasn’t been here too long so maybe we’ll learn more about him before he moves on. Elder Ludlow is Boston bound tomorrow. Last night was his last night with us for supper although he said he intends to ask to come back to Gardner so we might get to see him again. He wanted a picture with us so we did even though Joanna wasn’t here.

When the canine girls and I went on our walk this morning, we went down to Daniel’s grave and gave all the plants a drink. It’s been very dewy every morning but we’ve had another dry spell as for rain. Paul brought home another rhododendron to plant from work last week and it has yet to be planted. I should get that done today.

Milking this morning was okay other than all the girls ate too fast. It never fails that while milking Goldilocks I end up with poop all over the backs of my hands because she tries to pry off whatever it is on her teats and I have to ward off the flailing hooves. Fun, fun, fun. Also we didn’t get quite as much milk today. Which is probably due in part to the fact that we haven’t had rain for a few days which decreased the water content of the grass and they haven’t had corn husks since the day before yesterday.

I was going to tell you something about yesterday but now I can’t remember what it was. So annoying. Oh well.

Well, I’ need to be off for now. I’ve got things to do and places to go. I’m going to go visit someone this morning at 10:00 and then I want to make bread and maybe ice-cream. I got cream for it at Walmart when I was there yesterday. Joanna has work this afternoon and Paul and Laura are just leaving, in the truck, now. This evening we get to clean the kitchen at church, we being whoever goes with me. Joanna and Amena don’t have any activities at church but the boys do. Laura doesn’t but the reason they’re taking the truck is to pick up more wood and stuff for dumping by the creek.

Have a spectacular day!

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