Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thoughtless Stupor

From yesterday afternoon 4:49 pm.

Good afternoon! I hope you don’t mind my getting a jump start on tomorrow. I was looking at posts on Facebook and saw a term that infuriates me. ‘Women of color.’ I’m almost tempted to use a word in a not-so-good way. What the heck do they mean? Come on!

Deep breath!

Family. Please hold up your arm or grab a mirror and look at your arm or any part of your body that you choose. Are you transparent? Or translucent? Is there any pigment there or are you albino? ‘Women of color.’ Are we not all ‘people of color’? What the (blank)! I am very sorry but what is wrong with saying black? Or Negro? Or Indian? Or whatever? Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not in favor of terms such as ‘nigger’ or ‘chinc’ or whatever. They are derogatory terms and more indicative of behavior and attitude than color of skin or race and if you use one of them in front of me, I’ll likely have something to say. But use ‘woman of color’ (or ‘man of color’ or ‘child of color’) and I’ll likely have something to say as well. What would you call Scooter, for goodness sake? Dog of color?

It’s time to get the table ready for supper so I’ll be off for now. Don’t think I’m finished with this though.

And from today at 7:44 am.

And a good morning to you! Along the same lines as my little diatribe yesterday, I find it particularly annoying when people are referred to as Irish-American, African-American, Polish-American, or whatever. Quite frankly, if you live on either of the American continents, you are American. If you live in the United States and are a citizen, you are a United States of American. I fail to understand what gives us the sole right to refer to ourselves as “American”—is it because we have “America” in our name? Whatever the reason, it is, in my opinion, flawed.

This is a good time, perhaps, or not to mention some thoughts on our government. Actually, I think not. I will, however, tell you one of my favorite quotes. “Can you think to sit upon your thrones in a state of thoughtless stupor, while your enemies are spreading the work of death around you?” This is Moroni, captain of all the armies, complaining to Pahoran, chief judge, of the government’s neglect of the armies. I love “thoughtless stupor” and think that most of our politicians act with “thoughtless stupor” today. For example, you’ve surely heard of that idiot Republican in Missouri, Todd Akin? You know, the one who said that victims of ‘legitimate’ rape don’t get pregnant because their bodies have a mechanism to prevent conception. He claims that doctors told him that. If so, the doctors are even bigger idiots. Is this what we breed in Missouri, or did they come from somewhere else? If a woman is at the right point in her cycle, she is perfectly capable of getting pregnant if she is raped. Her body may react in certain ways to the stress of the situation, but it won’t ‘prevent’ pregnancy. In fact, if some bonehead deposits sperm in her, she could conceive up to about five days after the incident.

Yesterday was a pretty good day around here. Laura wanted to go down to Holden to look at a scooter. Joanna went along as well in the event that Laura got the scooter to drive it home. Laura said it was way down on 68. It was so far down on 68 that it was on 122A. Pretty cool, that. The scooter is a pretty color, blue, but it hasn’t been driven regularly it sounds like since it was new three years ago. It wasn’t in very good shape, the seat was lumpy and the floor covering was ripped and it didn’t want to start. On top of that, the woman who is selling it want’s something like $750 for it and the guy who has it at his garage couldn’t even give Laura her phone number. She didn’t get it. On the way home and once we were home, she and Joanna looked scooters up on Craigslist and found much nicer ones for $200 to $250 less.
Laura and I picked grapes down by the creek. Funny thing about that. Earlier in the day when the canine girls and I had gone for our walk, we went down the hill and over to Daniel’s grave. As we were walking along the ‘road’, I smelled something kind of fruity but I wasn’t sure what it was so I just chalked it up to one of those things that you never quite figure out. After picking the red grapes by the place we’ve been dumping weeds by the creek, we walked down toward Daniel’s grave. We watered all the plants and then noticed more grapes—so we picked them. Also, there were some rose bushes near there with some berry-looking things I’m thinking may have been rosehips.

When we got up to the house, I rinsed off the grapes and got out the steam juicer and put the rose hips we’d picked at the beach in with them. At one point, I lifted the lid to see how everything looked and guess what? The smell was the same scent I’d beheld earlier in the day down by the creek. Had something recently been in the grapes eating them or just disturbing them? I do not know but the smell was the same.

Cedric and Seth ended up not having Scouts last night so the boys all got to stay home with Laura. Joanna was still at work so only Amena and I went to church. I hurried and cleaned the kitchen because Joanna said the Young Women were supposed to be cooking something. Well, they didn’t, so my hurrying got the job done fast for no real reason. I had both a book and knitting and ended up not reading or knitting. Instead, I visited with Marlain Beaudette and Rebecca Kemp and had a very enjoyable time (which is unlike me when it comes to visiting).

Yesterday I was looking up when to wean goats because, quite frankly, I didn’t remember any specifics. I ran across this link in the process: If you have time, you should read some of the stories there. They are about goats and some of them are absolutely hilarious.

I finally got the lime sherbet made yesterday so we have lots of that sitting in the freezer downstairs. Laura started cleaning out the barn yesterday which is quite an undertaking. Joanna went to work and then came home because she had two hours between shifts. Tomorrow there is no school. Today the youngest four have already departed for school (quite some time ago—school technically starts now). I haven’t seen Joanna out of bed yet. Laura ate breakfast but then disappeared upstairs again. I’m sure they both think it’s too cold down here. Paul is eating breakfast. Someone is supposed to be to work today at 9:00 that Sha Nan wants Paul to talk to. Paul is in the process of eating his breakfast so there is little chance of him getting to work by 9:00.

The truck needs to be emptied today. Preferably this morning (according to me). George and Fred are going to school today. Other than that, the only thing on my agenda for today is getting laundry caught up. It’s a good day for it because it sure feels autumish.

Have a wonderful day!

PS—AD, we are praying for you—hope everything works out just the way it’s supposed to.

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