Saturday, August 18, 2012

Short One

Well, good morning! Another good day for a birthday. Have a good one, Mom! Joseph is pretty happy that there are only four days until his birthday. Grandma, his card from you arrived yesterday.

Yesterday morning I made zucchini bread. Paul likes it with lots of ginger so he got it with lots of ginger. Last time, I used a recipe I think I only used once and didn’t remember what it was like. It was way too dry. This time I used the recipe I usually use substituting the cloves with ginger and quadrupling the amount. I think it turned out much better but I don’t like dry bread.

After lunch, I took Amena over to the Wests. She was going to pick up rocks in their yard. They do have a lot of them and are willing to pay people to pick them up. Joanna had work in the evening. Not much happened. I suppose we could have gone to Gougen’s for swimming but it just turned out to not be that great a day for it.

Paul and Laura went to get some garbage (well, not really garbage; old wood and stuff that’s good for fill down by the creek) from Sha Nan’s (she’s the main investor in the company Paul works for) after work so they got home too late for me and Paul to go out to eat. I think the plan is that we’ll go out to Indian for lunch but Paul is taking his time getting going so it might be a late lunch because he needs to eat, go get cement, pour cement and then go to lunch. It’s going to take a while. It’s rather humid so plans might all change.

Last night we had a rather spectacular thunder and lightning display. No rain to speak of but lots of thunder and lightning. We had a little rain this morning, but not much. I don't know how  much of it you'll get here, but it was pretty cool.

Milking this morning was good once Snowflake got over her dancing practice. Mostly, she wanted to be able to reach the grain better. With the new bucket, it’s hard to keep it up at a level easier for them to reach. The problem is solved by someone holding the bucket which is what happened today by Seth. The problem with Princess seems to be solved; this morning we had no issues with spraying milk this morning.

I haven’t been out to the garden yet. I need to get some laundry done. I don’t know what else is going to happen other than that. Pretty exciting.

Have a great day!

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