Wednesday, August 8, 2012

He That is Happy

When we were reading last night, we read this: “And then cometh the judgment of the Holy One upon them; and then cometh the time that he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is happy shall be happy still; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still.” Here is my favorite part: “he that is happy shall be happy still; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still.” It just reiterates and confirms what I have long believed about being happy—that we chose to be happy or not—because if you are happy and remain happy, it is because you have chosen to be so and the same is true for being unhappy.

Well, we had a pretty good day yesterday. Joanna got lots of painting done. I think she’s almost done other than the closet. I made what the Polish call pierogies for supper (Paul’s recipe is Lithuanian and he calls them kolaskis) which are similar to ravioli. They are a filling of cottage cheese, egg, flour, chives, salt and pepper between two layers of dough. They are somewhat time consuming but are very good. We also had sliced cucumbers from the garden and sliced tomatoes and lettuce. Then, we had Hoddeok for dessert which is a Korean food (and guaranteed to make a missionary from Korea very happy). It is a yeast dough formed around a filling of brown sugar and either rice or chopped nuts or cheese then cooked and flattened in a frying pan. They’re also very good.

Seth got to spend a few hours with his friend, Mason Whitcomb. Mason’s mom needed to go to Gardner and had a little brainstorm and thought that maybe they could swing down and get Seth if I was willing to pick him up in the afternoon. I think it is good for the kids (ooops! Did I say that? I meant children, of course!) to get out and play with friends upon occasion and I knew that Seth would like going. I should have taken his glasses prescription with me when I went to pick him up because then we could have stopped at the Walmart Vision Center in Lunenburg (just across from the Xtapa Cantina where we went to lunch that one day, Grandma). However, I didn’t and so missed that opportunity to save time and fuel. He had a lot of fun and Jenny and I visited for a few minutes.

Paul and Laura left while I was writing that last paragraph. It’s only 8:37. Wow. That’s early for them. Must be so they can get back a little early for Laura to get to Institute this evening.

I am looking at a bowl of plums that are slowly being eaten and thinking that I should turn some of them into jam although I’m not sure there are enough for that. I could make a plum coffee cake; there are enough for that. I might check the forecast for today first because I don’t want to heat up the house if it’s due to get too warm today.

Speaking of too warm, Paul has always liked sleeping in a cool room. He usually has the fan going even in the winter. Last night, I went upstairs to bed and turned on the AC to the ‘dry’ setting because it was warmer in our room than anywhere else in the house. It felt sooooo gooood! I must have fallen asleep (which would make sense because I was tired) but I usually wake up enough to at least have some consciousness of Paul getting in bed and last night was no exception. He turned the AC to the ‘fan’ setting which means it’s just drawing in the air from outside. It wasn’t bad until Joseph came in at 4:00 to tell me he’d accidently peed in bed. You know how it is when you wake up and realize things? Well, I realized that I was hot with just a sheet on and I went out and the rest of the house was cooler than the bedroom.

Yesterday on my way to pick Seth up, I stopped at Aubushon’s Hardware to get some fly strips and rat poison. Fly strips for the house and rat poison for the chipmunks. I hope it works; if not, I’ll get some gopher poison. The buggars are so darn cute that I feel bad but so darn destructive that I don’t care. I’m not sure how the rat poison is doing because I haven’t checked this morning but the fly strips are doing well. One caught a fly before I even had it put up. I also stopped at Staples (I love Staples—next to Joann’s and Costco, it’s my favorite store) for more black ink which is a good thing since the black ran out while I was printing some worksheets for Cedric this morning.

Having more black ink, I can now print out the rest of my projects for Grandma. Speaking of which, I was going to put the pages in page protectors for you, Grandma, but discovered that if I do that, I will go through them rather quickly and they will quickly break the bank. Therefore, I will just print them out and put them in a binder. Then, as I send more, you can just add them.

Right now Joanna is up in the bedroom. She is planning on taking Seth to lunch but if he doesn’t get a move and get more work done, he won’t be going anywhere. Cedric is working on some multiplication. The next page is division and he says they didn’t do that last year. I’m not sure if I should teach him division or not. I think I decided to go ahead and do it. We have peanut butter and chocolate chips for using for math and they get to eat them when they’re done. It makes quick work of subtraction and division. Seth, as you have probably guessed, is having difficulty getting his work done. He is too easily distracted which is why he does not do as well as I know he could at school. It is why I would like to keep him home and homeschool him but also why I cannot. Amena is getting the dishes done that should have been done yesterday. Joseph is working on patterns. He was playing with a tangram earlier. His math is fun.

It is now approaching 10:00 and I think it is high time that I bring this to a close for today (and get something to eat as I haven’t had breakfast yet). I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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