Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hot and Muggy and I am so Ready for Winter (or First Harvest)

It’s been an interesting morning thus far. I decided I’d had enough milking in the goat shed due to the amount of flies living there (it really doesn’t matter how recently it’s been cleaned out either) so Laura helped me move the stanchion outside. It is now on the side of the shed nearest the house. Milking posed no problem other than the fact that after Princess, who was first in the lineup this morning, I had to use the bathroom. After that, I felt much better and milking proceeded as usual. Once I brought the milk inside and strained it, I got the sledge hammer and moved the stakes so we should have happy goats with lots of fresh grass to eat. This morning while walking the dogs, we walked around the edge of the back field so I could ascertain the state of where the goats had been staked to determine if they needed to be moved. Obviously, I decided they did need to be moved but in the process of walking with the dogs and later moving the stakes, I noticed some really cool orb webs. They all are related and all had a spider in the middle of them. For those of us who like spiders, it is disappointing that several webs will be destroyed by the goats in their new spot. On the bright side, there are a lot out there so the few that will at the very least have to move, won’t make much dent.

Cedric was supposed to do the dishes last night but because Paul and I were gone, Laura didn’t make him do them. A note in her favor, she did make sure that the bucket and strainer were clean for milking. Also the ice-cream dishes. I just got back from taking Joanna to work and Cedric still is just getting started. I’m not sure how long it takes to get started but it seems to take a long time.

Taking Joanna to work this morning was an adventure. Friendlys is taking part in the sidewalk sale in Gardner and that is where Joanna is today. First, she wanted to stop at the bank to cash her check (speaking of which, she is paying the phone bill due on the 14th, Mom, and it will be your turn next—just to let you know). That was fine. Then she needed to stop at Friendlys to clock in which was also fine EXCEPT she forgot the card she has to swipe to clock in or out so she had to wait and talk to the manager on duty who happened to be on grill. So, that took forever. And that after getting there four minutes before she could clock in (so we drove over to Staples which is in the shopping center next door so I could get more black ink but Staples doesn’t open until 9:00 on Saturday and it was only 8:52). Anyway, after clocking in, she had to go over to Main Street (which also happens to be Route 68 which is the same road that we turn off of onto Pitcherville Road in Hubbardston), which was closed in order to go to Friendlys spot for the sidewalk sale. I took her to the library which is just behind Pricilla’s (a really good candy store) which is where she needed to be. That was fun and exciting.

Yesterday I finally got one of the things printed for Grandma that I was working on. The funny thing is that after printing so many papers for the boys for home summer school waiting for the ink to run out so I could put new cartridges in, The black ink is now low after printing the thing for Grandma (which is why I wanted to stop at Staples this morning).

From the garden, I picked some cucumbers, one lemon cucumber (Daniel’s favorite), one large tomato with blossom end rot, two cherry tomatoes, three green bell peppers, and one red jalapeño pepper. On my way in from picking, I decided to bring the camera out. While taking pictures, I looked up into a plum tree and noticed lots of plums and wondered if we would get to eat any or if the chipmunks would get them all. Then I noticed one on the ground and picked it up. It was nice and ripe. So I took another look in the tree and decided it was time to pick plums. I snagged Cedric who had a longish t-shirt on that I could use to put plums in. We got quite a few and brought them in the house. Then I sent Seth and Joseph out to pick up the ones on the ground for the goats. Not enough plums to do much with but they’ll be enjoyed, anyway.

Last night Paul and Laura got home late because Paul had to stop at an estate sale. I think he’s addicted. Anyway, he’d taken the truck to Lunenburg the night before so it could have its windshield replaced and so we needed to pick it up yesterday. We did and went to D’Angelos for sandwiches. Then I took the truck home and picked Joanna up and he took the van and got fuel. He’s taking the truck in for an inspection this morning and then the Jetta gets to go to the Jetta doctor in western Massachusetts for repairs. Hopefully we’ll be home in time for Laura, Amena and me to go to a baby shower this afternoon.

In the meantime, Cedric is still working on the dishes. Joanna is, of course, at work. Laura is upstairs doing something as is Amena. Seth just came downstairs and Joseph is upstairs in the bedroom and won’t get off Seth’s bed. Paul is outside doing something before taking the truck for inspection and I am ready to get in the shower so I can get all sticky again.

Have a wonderful day!

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