Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fantabulous Day (still with no quote)

Well, the number of people in the house has been halved by this, the first day of school. The bus was supposed to come at 7:39 and it was almost 10 minutes late. Being the first day of school, that really is no surprise. I don’t think it will be a habitual occurrence because we have a very nice and normally fairly punctual bus driver (he and I were on the Hubbardston crew for census work two years ago). This is the second year without Daniel, the last year Amena will be on the bus with her brothers, the first year it has been raining. I was out milking when the bus went by that Daniel would have been on. It was about the same time as years past so I am thinking that perhaps he picked up his extra before. This would make sense as he really wouldn’t be able to be much later here; he stops at 6:35-6:40 and school starts at 7:05 for the middle school. I don’t know what way he goes but the way I go takes nearly half an hour to get there from here.

This is what we got when we said they needed to come in closer together and act like they like each other. Cedric and Joseph look like they could be happy; Amena looks somewhat skeptical. I really like Seth's expression.
Yesterday was a day. I didn’t get much done. I did get school supplies that were still needed after we scoured the house to use leftovers from last year and stuff that we had hanging around. I love Staples—it’s great! We had to go to Walmart too because Staples didn’t have any Kleenex (and I didn’t want to send our big boxes to school) or wipes. I ended up getting Cedric a back pack because the one he was using last year has a big rip along a bottom seam. I got one for Joseph as well but will return it because the one he had will work (I wasn’t sure it was large enough for a folder—it is). He really liked the one he had (which is new to him and has a fuzzy Snoopy on it) until I came home with an Angry Birds one. Seth is glad Joseph doesn’t get to use the Angry Birds because he likes them as well. Actually, I may keep it, you never know when yet another one will come in useful.

Amena went with me to get school supplies and we also went to get books for me. Classes start next week on the 5th. I only had to get four books—one for marketing which was over $200 for ONE bloody book. I think it’s worth about $50 and wouldn’t mind paying that much. If I had time, I’d have looked online. Actually, I would still do that if I had any money left; then I could return the book. The other four are for the Honors English class I have which is something about Harlem literature. Quite frankly, I didn’t know Harlem had its own literature. I guess I’ll learn something—such as if I like it or not and if I think they deserve to have their own. I am glad that I already had the book for phlebotomy and that my accounting book is used for two semesters.
We had tacos for supper last night. These are the tomatoes I cut up. I cut up four tomatoes from the garden and then one that we still had from the store. Can you tell which is which?
Paul is eating his breakfast. Laura is getting ready for work. Joanna is sitting here at the table. I am wondering what I am going to have for breakfast because the bread I made is gone. There is plenty of bread from the store but it isn’t nearly as good.

On the agenda for today is making bread, making lime sherbet, maybe making ice-cream, making something with zucchini in it and freezing the rest of the zucchini, cooking ham and making potato salad for supper (today is the last day we’ll have missionaries for supper on Tuesday—next week we’ll start having them on Thursday even though I won’t have a class on Tuesday until the following week), washing some laundry, maybe folding some, changing sheets on my bed, and anything else that comes up or to mind. Plenty to do.

This morning while I was milking, I once again thought that there wasn’t as much milk as normal. Once again, when I got in and strained it, there was more than the day before. It rained last night and while I was milking, it sprinkled on us. All three of the girls were pretty well behaved though. The canine girls and I took our walk this morning at 6:00 as I was planning and we were back to the house by 6:10. I’d have been out milking at 6:15 if I hadn’t had to use the bathroom. As it was, I was by 6:20 and then I heard the bus go by and that caused a little allergy attack. The only problem with going out earlier is that I forgot to feed the dogs. They usually have their breakfast at 7:00 which usually was right when we came in from our walk. Not so today so they just now got fed at 8:21. And they didn’t even complain.

Well, I do believe it is time to go and do something so I will get this posted with a picture or maybe two and get busy. I hope you all have a fantabulous day!

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