Sunday, August 5, 2012


Good morning! By the time you get this, it will no longer be morning here because it is almost time for us to leave to go to church. However, I have a few minutes and nothing pressing to do so I thought I would at least get a start.

Well, that wasn’t much of a start, was it? Yesterday afternoon, Laura, Amena and I went to a baby shower. That was nice. The food was good. There was only one game. I took a bar of soap and a ball and both were hits. We stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home and got ice-cream cones. That made us late enough to pick Joanna up on the way rather than making another trip to get her which worked out well.

Church was good. The church was COOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL! It felt soooooooooooooo good. I’d put lima beans and Italian sausage in the crock pot before we left so food was pretty much ready when we got home. However, three boys needed to clean their room so we had to wait about half an hour. We had salad also. Then we had ice-cream. Currant, blueberry, mint and vanilla. I had blueberry and vanilla. The vanilla is really good because I have some really good vanilla. The blueberry was really good with the vanilla.

We just had a little cloudburst of a storm. There is still some thunder rolling around and it’s still raining but it’s not pouring like it was for a few minutes. I wouldn’t mind downpour like that for about half an hour.

I am sorry this is so short today. Lots of thoughts running around in my head that I really just don’t feel like committing to paper (or in this case, memory).  Hopefully I’ll be back to ‘normal’ tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day.

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