Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another Day of No Thoughts for a Title

The dogs are fed and everything is ready to go milk. The temperature outside is lovely (56°) and we are overcast. Damp fingers do not work well on the touchpad of my laptop. The goats are very vocal this morning.
I did call the doctor’s office yesterday just a few minutes after 8:00 which is when they are in, and got the answering service. The woman I spoke to said they should be answering the phone in five or ten minutes so I waited fifteen until I called back. We scheduled Seth an appointment for 10:30 so there was time to go work in the garden for 30 minutes before getting ready to go.
While in the garden, I noticed lots of cucumbers and broccoli and quite a few tomatoes almost ready to eat. I brought the broccoli in and had to go back out to get the cucumbers because I hadn’t taken out a bucket or anything to bring things in with. I am anxiously waiting for the tomatoes because they are so much better than the things from the store and they are one of the things that Paul thinks needs to be in the house at all times so he brought home a bagful last night. The problem, or one of the problems, with tomatoes from the store is that they look nice but they don’t taste nice. I have read that they actually inject the tomatoes with chemicals to improve the color. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if they also inject chemicals to improve the flavor. I would personally prefer to not eat tomatoes other than in the summer when I can have them out of my own garden.
The broccoli. Not the best pictures because I used my phone.
I had to pick off all the blossoms from the basil yesterday which was a terrible hardship. Because it is doing so well and there is so much of it, I thought that we could have pesto and pasta with Oriental broccoli and sliced cucumbers. That turned out good.
Seth’s visit to the doctor was pretty low key-ish. He actually was seen by the new physician’s assistant. I have absolutely no problem with that. PAs often give more information than do MDs and that is a good thing. Anyway, she listened to Seth’s lungs a lot and looked in his nose and ears and throat and felt his lymph nodes in the neck and shoulder region. She said that he did sound a bit crackly and so antibiotics would be her suggestion. She went out to get the book that tells them how much of what children need and came back and we had the discussion of allergic reactions to ampicillin. He did have one in April of 2011 so he has to have something else. That was figured out and she left again to electronically submit the prescription to the pharmacy and Dr. Vorderstrauss came in to take a quick check of his lungs and to ask if Joanna had gotten an appointment with UMass. She concurred that antibiotics for Seth is the right route for the moment (I’m glad we have some plain yogurt) and said she’d look in to the referral for Joanna because I didn’t know if anything had been arranged or not.
And now I am going to milk the noisy goat.
Milk production this morning was way down. Less than half of yesterday. I guess I really do need to move them to greener pastures. It is one of the things on my list and I’ll go do it when I’m done here or decide that I don’t want to wait and would rather get it over with.
Yesterday Joanna worked at the Tewksbury Friendlys. It seems that they are very understaffed at the moment and don’t have a general manager and are borrowing staff from other locations. Three from Gardner are helping out. Joanna says that they pay for gas to get there which is a good thing because otherwise it would do her absolutely no good to go. Bare minimum when the traffic is good the drive is 54 minutes according to Google Maps. Because 495 is currently under construction, both the distance and the time are increased because 495 is part of the most direct route. She wasn’t home yet when I went to bed and she’s still not up so I don’t know how it went yet. Today she’s working in Gardner for a few hours and then going to Tewksbury again for another few hours.
Yesterday afternoon, I took the boys to the library. We checked out a few books and Cedric really wanted to look at the movies so we got two: Willow and Iron Man. The latter is really scratched up so they didn’t watch it last night. They ended up watching part of Willow and will most likely finish it today. Paul has had a basket in the living room since we’ve been here and it’s always just been a catch-all kind of deal (like so many things here) so yesterday I had the boys empty it out and store library books in it. It’s just what we’ve always needed so they don’t get misplaced. I was also going to stop at CVS for Seth’s antibiotics but the lines were outrageous due to the time (5:20) so we came home and I asked Laura to pick them up on her way home from church last night.
Paul has been having fun at work. Blair has some choices of what to do with the company right now. One includes moving to New Hampshire. One includes having a guy come in and be . . . something. From what Paul has said I’m not sure if he’d be the manager or more like a CEO. One is to just keep doing things the way they’ve been. One would be working with a distributer. Or some combination such as moving to New Hampshire and working with a distributer. Or moving to New Hampshire and having the manager/CEO dude come in and take over. Paul says that he likes the idea of moving to New Hampshire but. None of the options are really that great. Working with a distributer means that it would be very difficult to make sales because the distributers would be selling to their clients. Which isn’t to say it would be impossible, just difficult. If the manager/CEO guy comes in, everything, including sales, will be in effect sub-contracted. Carrying on as they have been isn’t a good option either because there are days when Paul is so annoyed/frustrated/ready to throw in the towel it isn’t even funny. My solution is simple: convince the gun company in Montana that Paul is the best person for the job and move there. Good, yes?
I think that is about it for today. My list isn’t too long and it’s time to get to work on it.

Have a wonderful day!

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