Friday, July 26, 2013


No waking up at a reasonable hour for me this morning. That’s what happens when I don’t go to bed until 10:30 and I can’t put my book down once I’m in bed. Terrible, terrible thing. Of course, I didn’t get to  bed until 10:3 because I was on a writing streak. As you know, my daily goal is 1,000 words, yesterday I didn’t start until the boys were in bed and then I was just on a roll. I did 1,522 and I think could have kept going but decided it was time to read.
Some of the flowers in front of the house.

Milk was up to the low end of normal this morning which is nice and partly the result of having moved them to greener pastures, so to speak. Today it is raining so they won’t get out so the boys will need to give them some hay. Speaking of hay, I think I need to look into alfalfa pellets for the goats. I was noticing that the hay we’ve gotten, while being a very good price, is not alfalfa hay. I don’t know if they even have alfalfa here. I haven’t seen any anywhere. It is almost embarrassing that I didn’t really pay enough attention to notice this for almost four years. Shame on me. Poor goats.
Cedric and Joseph taking the kids to be staked out.

Yesterday was an okay sort of day. My phlebotomy study guide book arrived. It looks like an inch-thick paperback book filled with multiple choice questions about phlebotomy. Should be pretty cool. I think I would like to also reread my phlebotomy textbook. I want to do well on the exam.
Tomatoes in the garden.
Broccoli in the garden.
Some of the basil.
Swiss Chard.
Banana peppers.
Hot cherry peppers.
Another type of basil.

Seth seems to be on the mend. Today he had his second dose of antibiotics. He still coughs some but not as much. He was pretty wiped out yesterday and took a nap in the afternoon. While he was eating lunch he just looked so pitifully tired. I told him it was perfectly acceptable to take naps when you don’t feel well. He almost looked relieved and went to the back room and fell asleep.
Peaches! We have some!!!

Linda Trivett called yesterday. Three times. The first time she wanted to know if I and my girls would be in charge of the dinner for the General Relief Society Broadcast which is the Saturday before General Conference which is the first weekend in October. Then she called back to make sure we had the right date. The last call was about next Thursday. There is a Relief Society meeting and she wanted to know if I would be able to help with that. They, the RS presidency, wanted to have five tables set up with displays of local day trips with general information about the place. Absolutely! I knew the place I wanted to focus on before we hung up. So, I know what I am doing for next week and I have an idea that I will probably go with for September. Cool beans.
Daniel's grave. In need of some work. More about this later.

Wednesday evening I went to bed somewhat annoyed and irritated. I knew that Paul was going to be bringing stuff home that would need to be brought in and put away. I know that he likes to do the shopping on his way home from work, and that’s great. There are only two problems with it. One, by the time he gets there, stores are sometimes low on or out of some things. Two, by the time he gets home, I am not in put away mode. It was after 9:00 and I just wanted to go to bed. I don’t want to put stuff away on good days and Wednesday evening wasn’t even remotely good. I ended up going upstairs anyway and reading until he got home. Then I came down, helped bring stuff in and put away what had to be and then went back to bed. I didn’t even read at that point I don’t think.
The basket of books I mentioned yesterday.

Yesterday morning, I woke up and apparently hadn’t slept off the annoyed and irritated attitude. So, when I was sitting here doing blog stuff and Paul came down and wanted the boys to eat, it just sat wrong with me. I don’t like it when someone pushes me to eat (or to do anything, for that matter). I really think that if we ate when hungry, we’d probably have less of an obesity problem in this country. Anyway, I was even more annoyed even though Paul was actually mostly just teasing and I knew it.
Phlebotomy study guide. The outside.
See? An inch thick.

Go ahead. Answer them and I'll tell you if you're right or now when I get there.
I spent most, well, all, of the morning in my annoyed and irritated mode and then finally went to take a shower. It finally hit me that the annoyance and the irritation were just the symptoms of the problem and the problem is that August 2nd is creeping up on us. It is next Friday. And I miss Daniel as much now as I did then. Figuring that out was the best thing I did yesterday because it allowed me to address the problem and get over the attitude.
Right now Cedric is having cereal, Seth is having yogurt, and Joseph is having an apple with yogurt. Paul is going to have instant oatmeal. I’m not sure what I’m going to have yet. I am a little hungry but don’t want cereal or yogurt or an apple or anything. Maybe just graham crackers and milk. Joanna and Laura are upstairs.
And that will be all for today. There is always so much more that I could talk about but there just comes a time when I need to get on with other things. I could probably spend half the day writing about what happened the day before. The problem with that of course would be that if I did, there would only be half a day to write about and if that were the case, I might not be able to write as much. On the other hand, there are so many people in our family, I could probably write quite a bit anyway.
Have a spectacular day!

(996 words in less than an hour—not bad. And if you include these written after I did a word count, it's over 1,000—even better.)

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