Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Is anyone else bothered by the fact that fireworks are as often NOT on the 4th of July as on? I know it isn’t politically correct to be proud of our country any longer but, quite frankly, I still am. My government, not so much.
Is anyone else bothered by the 71° weather with 95% humidity? I know I am. The 71° is not bad. The 95% humidity is a killer.
Yesterday we had a pretty low key day. Paul and Joanna went to work in the morning. Laura went to work in the afternoon. I emptied a thing of fuel into the house and one into the bug so that Paul could take containers with him to work and fill them up on his way home. I took Amena and Joseph to Gardner in the morning so that we could get some ice-cream and Amena could look for a swim suit. Joseph and I left her at Salvation Army while we went to Price Chopper. When we got back to pick her up, she was trying things on and had found a suit and pair of shorts that go with it. Both for $5.98. I can’t complain about that. Paul said that we should have waited until Wednesday because all clothes are half off. In theory, that’s a good idea. In reality, chances are fairly good that what she got wouldn’t still be there Wednesday. And $5.98 is a darn good price for a swim suit and pair of shorts that we’d be lucky to get somewhere like Walmart for $25.
Our lunch consisted of leftovers. Pretty exciting, I know. I feel about the refrigerators about how I did about the freezers. I’d like to empty them out a bit and clean them rather than to keep piling things in.
In the afternoon the plan was to take Cedric and Seth out and about since I’d taken Amena and Joseph earlier. All of them wanted to go for a ride in the ‘buggy’ but there are only two seat belts in the  back so legally I can’t take all four of them at once (hence the biggest drawback of the bug). Cedric determined that he didn’t want to go so I was considering not going back out but there were a couple of things I needed to do so I took Seth. We took a coupon for diapers over to Meredith and picked up our pot and then went to the library to drop off a book.
For supper I was going to grill chicken but it was raining as it had been off and on all day. I like rain; I really do. But this is just ridiculous. I wouldn’t mind sending some of it to the hot and dry parts of the country. Anyway, I didn’t feel like cooking so we had cottage cheese and peaches.
I read a few chapters for Laura. I like the story and I think she’s done a good job. Reading for pleasure and reading to proofread are two completely different things. Realistically, I think the best way to approach proofreading is to read the material once through so you are familiar with it and then read it again, this time looking for issues. What I’ve read so far, I’ve read before so I’m somewhat familiar with it so I haven’t been reading once and then again. Anyway, I’ll read a few more today before I get going with Brisinger. I wouldn’t mind finishing it today but I really should get something done other than food and reading. We’ll see how it goes.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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