Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Good morning! Just the usual complaints for this day thus far: too hot and too humid. And not likely to change.
Yesterday was an interesting day. I was tired almost all of it. Mostly, I think because of the amount of sleep I didn’t get and because I didn’t do any riding or Pilates. I got more sleep last night but my plans for morning do not include the bike or Pilates. I should do stretches.
I want to say that I am rather sick (and tired) of hearing about the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. I do NOT believe it is a cut and dry case of racism any more than I truly believe in white privilege. Sue me if you want. Trayvon Martin was no innocent 17-year-old. He did drugs, he had a record. George Zimmerman is a person. Perfect? Not by a long shot. I don’t really know much about him. I don’t really want to know much about him. I think that we are going to have another civil war and that race is going to be the core of it. I think it’s incredibly stupid and there are times when I wish people would get some sense knocked into their heads. I may have more to say about this another day. Maybe even later this day. We shall see.
In other news, I have finally done some research on the circumcision issue. Miriam Pollack is Jewish and has written extensively on keeping boys intact (she refers to herself as an intactivist). She said, “. . .foreskins separate at a wide range of ages--all normal.  Doctors in the U.S. are ignorant of the foreskin, its functions and physiology.  Do NOT let any doctor tamper with this tissue.  That could cause abrasions, scarring and, ultimately, lead to circumcision. Congratulations to this beautiful mother who knew to leave her precious boys intact!”
Liz Noble cowrote The Joy of Being a Boy and said, “Why do doctors look at penises for a school physical? No-one ever looked at my vagina except a GYN I consulted…” This really gave me something to think about. I never had a vaginal exam until I was 17 and only then because I was pregnant.
Marilyn Milos is another one who has researched the subject. She said, “I wonder if her son has an actual adhesion, which would have been caused by the foreskin and glans both being raw, with an adhesion forming between the two during the healing process, or if it is that his foreskin is not yet completely separated from the glans. I would suspect the latter, in which case, the mother needs to know that the average age for foreskin retractability is 10.4. Her son is well within normal parameters. If the foreskin is not retractile prior to puberty, the boy's hormones and his increased interest in the organ "at hand" will help to complete the job. And, she can tell her son's doctor that he doesn't have to do anything but sit and watch Mother Nature take care of the mature development of his penis, which will be complete by the time his is 25. If he still has the adhesion after that, we can talk about it! Should it be true that it is an adhesion, even they often dissolve just like the balano-preputial lamina (synechia) naturally attaching foreskin and glans dissolve. The boy's normal manipulation of his penis also will help the process. And, finally, should an adhesion have formed that keeps his foreskin from fully retracting after he is 18 or so, and should he want it to be lysed (the doc uses a scalpel to cut through the scar tissue, releasing the two structures, it can be done under analgesia in the doctor's office, but that will probably not even need to be considered.”
Lastly, in Boston there is a Circumcision Resource Center and Ron Goldman works there. He said, “Foreskins may not retract until as late as adolescence.”
How grateful am I that I knew the right person to ask the right question. These quotes were all directly a result of my asking one person one question. Awesome. I hope this information helps anyone who might have uncircumcised boys out there because I know I’m not the only one.
My list of things to do today is a bit short but that is good because I am planning on going to Boston this morning. As soon as I find something to eat and shower, I’ll be off. It should be about a four or five hour trip. Laura and Joanna both have the day off and Paul has given Elizabeth until the end of the week to figure out how she’s going to get to work in the future.

I will let you go for now and I hope you have a spectacular day!

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