Thursday, July 11, 2013


Too warm for the time this morning. Could be worse, I know. I’m sure it’s humid out as well for the same reasons as yesterday morning.
The mystery of the missing person to get the kids has been solved. Paul did indeed stop by yesterday on his way home and it turns out that the brother of the guy who was going to come ended up in a coma in the ICU and so they missed out on the entire holiday and weekend. Yikes. No mention of when he might come and get them so the day is partly formed, maybe.
Yesterday morning I rode the bike and did Pilates. The boys really like it when I ride the bike because they get to watch whatever movie I’m watching. Amena would like it too if I were watching a movie she were more interested in. Star Wars doesn’t appear to excite her so she didn’t participate in our movie-fest. It worked out well yesterday because when I was done, the movie had about two more minutes before it was done. Now we’re on to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I’ve been doing about every other day though, so I am not sure we’ll get to it today.
My quandary has not yet been resolved and, indeed, I don’t expect it to any time soon. I did begin working on a website last night. There are several free website building sites out there and I’m trying one out for size. I really think the best thing to do would be to pay for one but wanted to try my hand at the free version first. Basically the only thing payment does is add more storage and options. It is probably good to keep it fairly simple at first. Anyway, we’ll see how that goes.
This is a screen shot of Ellie's Handmade Soap website. It is one that I used  for my analysis for Strategic Management. I thought I'd give you an idea of what my competition looks like. If you want, you could go to these different websites and let me know what you think--then I could add that to my analysis to make it that much better. :)
We had some good rain yesterday which is what I expected from weather forecasts so we did not go to Goguen’s. Neither did we go to get grain and a collar for a kid. We did find two collars but one of them broke so we are still in need of getting one. That really needs to happen today.
And The Blue Ridge Soap Shed. While I like Ellie's, I really like this one. Not the website itself, just the overall knowledge these guys have about making soap.
I really need to write lists of things to do for myself now like I did for school because there are many things that need to be done that aren’t getting done and most likely would if I had them written on a list. It is started. So far there are seven things on it; now eight. All things that need to be done, all things that I would likely not get around to if they aren’t written down and if I never look at my planner. Now it has grown to nine things. See what I mean?
And Summer House Natural Soaps. Other than the font they used for their name, I really wasn't all that impressed with this one. 

My touch pad is acting strangely. When I go to move the cursor somewhere, it doesn’t go exactly where I want it to and it jumps around and it changes the percentage of the page I’m looking at. I like 100%. I don’t know what the deal is but it’s annoying. Luckily I have a little red mouse button between the ‘g’, ‘h’, and ‘b’ keys and it is working fine other than the fact I’m not used to using it. My fingers are having a hard time working as well; I just typed sure instead of used. Granted, three of the keys are the same but they’re not in the right order and ‘r’ is not ‘d.’
And this is what I've come up with thus far. The only problem is that I remembered just this morning while I was looking and not finding Ellie's screenshot that I can actually create a website using tools I have without using an online building site. Of couse, then I have to find someone to host it and I'm not sure exactly how to go about that yet. Anyway, let me know what you think.
I just added two things to my list. It’s growing rather well, eh? And now I need to go milk the poor goat. She’s letting me know it’s time. I like to go out at 7:30 and it isn’t quite but everything is ready to go so I will go do that and be back.
The goats are milked and my computer was restarted so the touch pad is behaving now. Seth watered the goats and Joseph fed the dogs. And I added something else to my list which means there are now twelve things on it but that might be considered cheating because three of them are things I need to buy wherever I end up going for grain. However, there are a couple more things I can think of that need to be done. Also, there is at least one thing on the list that requires action before I do the thing on my list (I need to see where there are Farmer’s Markets today before I can go to one).
Based on the weather forecast for today, it does not appear to be a good one for swimming and water activities. Yep, thundershowers all afternoon. And I knew the humidity was bad: 94%. The lowest it is supposed to get is 66%. All I can do is shake my head and be glad I’m not painting anything. And go eat breakfast.

Have a fantabulous day!

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