Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Two Days

Good morning! Nice temperature here and the humidity has been less than it had been. I must say that I’m glad I’m not in Yreka right now because it is seven degrees warmer and three hours earlier.
I have come to the conclusion that we are not suffering from post-full-moon syndrome or anything of that sort. What we are experiencing is pre-August 2nd issues. Behavior the last few weeks has often not been good. It hasn’t been terrible all of the time but it hasn’t been that great often and it has been escalating. I am not sure, in fact I am certain, that the boys even understand what the problem is so I guess it’s time to talk about it. And time to be more structured because that leaves less time for arguing and fighting and getting in trouble.
Yesterday afternoon we did end up going to Goguen’s. Linda Trivett called and was wondering if we might be going and I wasn’t sure. I knew that we wouldn’t today because the plan was to go to the Worcester Art Museum. So, we went. It really wasn’t warm enough to be playing in the water much. The water was cold according to Amena and even the boys weren’t in it very much at first. The wind was blowing enough to keep me cool enough to not want to get wet which was nice since I’d already showered. It was an okay afternoon. Amena and Sarah got to visit or play or whatever and Linda and I visited. The boys played and then started being annoying by throwing ‘seaweed’ at the girls and Cedric even threw some rocks. It was time to leave at that point so we came home. I’d wanted to stop at Staples on the way home but decided against it.
In the morning I listed the book that I’d been studying for phlebotomy on ebay. I figured I might as well recoup some of the cost of the book since I don’t really need it to study and although the information is interesting, I can find it elsewhere in a more readable format. Almost as soon as I listed it, it sold. I am now waiting for payment to clear before I actually send it. It went so fast, I’m sorry I didn’t ask for more money. Ah, well, such is life.
For supper we had kielbasa with onions, peppers and tomatoes along with parsley and basil from the garden. We also had a salad with tomatoes and cucumber from the garden. And pasta to go with the kielbasa. No dessert. I wasn’t in a baking kind of mood and didn’t have everything I needed to make ice-cream and didn’t really feel like doing anything else so I didn’t. Pretty exciting.
I did write more than 1,000 words last night and was to that point again where I’d like to write more but it was late and I thought it better to go to bed and read.
Today I’ve got notes to take, practice tests to take, stretches to do, words to write, a website to add liquid soaps to (although I’m thinking I should stick with the bar soaps for now until I have everything I need [think containers here] to make the liquid soaps, lotion, and lip balm), library to visit, and presentation to put together or at least work on so I can put it together tomorrow morning.

With that in mind, I will bid you farewell and hope that you have a magnificent day!

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