Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Good Morning!

Good morning! Another decent temperature this morning (66°). I do not know about the humidity and I don’t feel like looking. I would guess it’s relatively high because everything outside is wet and it is definitely cloudy.
Yesterday we did not go to Goguen’s because it never got particularly hot and it did rain a couple of times so Trista still stinks. We will go today if the weather is conducive to such activity.
I also did not get Falls the Shadow finished but I have less than 25 pages left. I kind of got sidetracked on the whole Green Hill thing and looking at Welsh history websites and fun things like that. Then I kind of got sidetracked on reading some submissions on a summer writing ‘class’ that I joined. Anyway, if I can’t get Falls the Shadow finished today, there is something seriously wrong with me or tragedy will have struck. I’m opting for neither of those. I probably would have finished last night but even though I went to bed at 10:00, Paul followed and he didn’t want to read and I feel bad keeping the light on so I didn’t read either. It really wasn’t much of a hardship because I was tired.
Right now I’m finishing my breakfast of jalapeño bagel and cup of milk while I do this. Seth is still eating and Cedric is washing his dishes. Joseph just joined us and probably wants to eat. He does; there is a plain bagel toasting for him right now. No girls have made an appearance yet which is not great surprise. Paul is reading.
I mentioned my quandary with Birthwise yesterday. There is another part to that story. Even if I manage to figure out a way to pay for it, there are other variables. Namely that Paul has applied for a job in Kalispell, Montana. Most of me really hopes he gets it because it would be much closer to my mom and Becky and Jay, it is less humid, it is usually cooler, there are more real mountains and clean water, I know someone who has two goats and some chickens we could have if we do move, etc., etc., etc. It would also be closer to California so we could maybe go visit Grandma upon occasion. Maybe even my lovely aunts who live in Oregon. Maybe even my twerpezoid youngest sister someday who never, and I do mean never, calls, writes, emails, or sends cards. Seriously. This year has been completely devoid of them. Anyway, that really is another subject.
So, if we move to Montana, Birthwise wouldn’t be an option because there is no way I could afford to fly to Maine as often as I would need to and there is no way I would drive. There are a couple of other possible options that I will be investigating but in the meantime, I will carry on as though I will be able to go to Birthwise next month.
Friday someone was supposed to come get our two kids. I was really looking forward to that because I would really like the extra milk that they are consuming. The people never came and when Paul stopped by their business Monday on the way home from work, they were not open. There is always the option with the kids of getting collars and staking them out. If the weather doesn’t look good for swimming, maybe I’ll take some children and go to Hardwick to get grain and collars. That sounds like a really good idea, actually. Especially as we don’t have any dental appointments until the end of August and we definitely need grain before that.
In other news I really can’t think of anything terribly interesting so I will bid you adieu.

Have a splendiferous day!

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