Sunday, July 21, 2013


Good morning! While it is a bit warm for the time, it is less warm than it has been at the same time so I’m good. Inside it feels very nice. Outside in the sun it feels a bit warm.
Yesterday morning was just a Saturday morning filled with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Nothing really stands out as far as anything that anyone did. I washed a couple loads of winter jackets and snow gear and hung them outside. I folded two loads of towels and had children take them upstairs. I folded and sorted another load of laundry. We had breakfast and later lunch. It was all just really low key and unexciting. Laura went to work and then Joanna did. Paul went out and about to check into a new cell phone because his is in the process of giving up the ghost; it only works intermittently. He also stopped by CVS to get Seth’s inhaler and drop off a prescription that needed refilling for him. And he went to Ray’s to see how he’s doing and check on the truck.
After lunch the plan was to go to Goguen’s. They have three grandsons with them for the weekend and their ages fit nicely with Seth and Joseph. But it was looking rather like rain out and we were waiting for Paul to get home with automatic transmission fluid for the van. It actually did rain at our house for about five minutes but the Goguen’s never got any. After our little bit of rain it looked nice out so I decided we could go ahead and go. Sarah’s dad and sister had picked her up so she didn’t get to go with us.
It was windy there. It was so windy I wouldn’t have wanted to go out in a kayak and there were actual waves on the lake. I went out and got wet even though I would have been fine not. I had taken my laptop and a book but ended up visiting instead. That was nice. We left between 4:30 and 5:00. I’d looked at the time wrong and thought that it was 5:30 when it was actually 4:30 but leaving when we did was just about perfect for supper and baths and showers after anyway.
Seth got a haircut and the boys bathed after supper, family prayer and scripture reading. Then they got a movie and Paul and I went to Comet Pond. One of the reasons that Paul doesn’t like going to Goguen’s is because the water isn’t very deep and is usually too warm for him. You can swim in it even though it’s shallow but Paul also likes to go in up to his neck and walk and he can’t do that without going way out and even then, I heard that the deepest water is 10 feet deep there. So anyway, we went to Comet Pond and Paul got to walk and swim and I swam and floated. The moon was beautiful with the clouds when we got there due to the sun setting.
When we got back, the boys were sort of in bed. I’d told them they could sleep in the back room. Seth didn’t really want to and Joseph didn’t think that I’d said they could so he wouldn’t. Cedric ended up being the only one who stayed for the whole night. They knocked the screen out of the window again so there was no air but had taken the fan from the dining room window. Well, I wanted the fan back to blow warm air out because Amena had laundry in the dryer and it was rather warm and very humid in the house. I did find an oscillating fan in the basement and put that in the back room for Cedric.
Last night I was thinking about Seth staying home from church today but he seems a bit better this morning. I think that playing in the water felt good for him but I don’t think it did him any good. I should have had him stay home from Goguen’s. This afternoon I’m going to have him just rest and tomorrow the same.

And that’s that. Have a wonderful day!

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